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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 18 minutes ago, TreeVillan said:

    You know running a successful football club is very much like making love to a beautiful woman...

    When you go down you know you are going to come face to face with a Blues Fan?   

    • Haha 2
  2. I live in a rural area and house prices are rising fast.  A house in my street went on the market  2 weeks ago at £365k . That was met by several buyers and it's now £395k.   The estate agent tells me that are seeing people from the city wanting to move away. I suppose it makes sense. With increased working from home people who have been stuck in a city centre flat for 3 months are reassessing quality of life. 

  3. 58 minutes ago, blandy said:

    The message the government has sent has been terrible and is a large part of the reason for people behaving like utter tubes. 

    The government handling of this has been terrible. But I don't think you can blame them for the large % of the population who just can't be bothered to do something that might save a life because it means them walking an extra 20m. 

    I have concluded that a LARGE percentage of the UK population is selfish and has an unrealistic sense of entitlement.  My grandfathers had mo choice but to risk their life fight the Nazis in WW2. Walking the same way as the arrows is not a big ask. 

  4. As a general rule paid advisors offer a wider range of products. Free advisors tend to make their money from selling particular products. 

    I am in no way qualified to give advice but here goes...........

    Go for a balance between a low rate and a fixed period. That gives you security in being able to budget. But make sure there is no fee that outweighs any benefit. 

    Make sure there is no penalty for early repayment or overpaying each month. 

    If finances allow overpay your monthly payment. It will save you thousands in the long run. 

    That advice worked for me. 

    • Like 1
  5. Here’s an odd one to puzzle over. I have no idea of the answer. 

    I have been going through some medical files    and struggling with all the abbreviations.  But most are self explanatory.  But today I learnt that MANE means “in the morning”.   



  6. 12 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    That’s a fair point but if the law stands and watches does it not increase the likelihood of people who are not happy about the statues being pulled down taking the law in to  their own hands?

     If the Police enforced every law all the time we’d all be convicted criminals including the Police themselves. Policing is primarily protecting society and sometimes that means standing by.  If the Police has waded into the crown it could have become a riot. In riots people get seriously hurt. That includes Police, Rioters and innocent bystanders. No statue is worth that.  

    But the matter has been reported as a crime so the a Police will investigate.  If the culprits are identified they will be arrested and probably go to court. 

    What you are saying is that Rosa Parkes should have been dragged off the bus and thrown in jail to stop people who want racial segregation from taking the law into their own hands and throwing her off the bus.  At the time it happened many would consider that to be a perfectly reasonable standpoint.  She broke the law. But history views the matter differently. 


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  7. Sometimes good people break the law for the common good and to move society to a better place.  
    I wonder if anyone asked for the vandals who broke down the Berlin wall to be jailed for all that criminal damage? 

    Whether people pulling down statues of slave traders are criminals is a decision a court will make today and then history will review at a later date. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Xela said:

    Like the fact USA and Russia are only 50 miles apart at its closest border.

    It’s much less than that. The Diomede Islands (not 100% sure about the spelling) are 2 islands that are less than 3 miles apart. One is Russian the other is USA.  

    They are a famous trivia quiz question because they are either side of the International Dateline. Therefore it can take you “a day” to travel 3 miles. 

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  9. On ‎31‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 15:08, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    Jeff Hardy (Wrestler)

    Paul Gascoigne (Police siege negotiator)

    Bam Margera (Jackass) 

    Madeline McCann ( Hide and Seek World Champion)

    Jon Venables  (Murderer) 



    "Madeleine McCann 'assumed dead' by German prosecutors"


    I hereby take the lead in the "VillaTalk Assumed Deadpool 2020".  


    • Haha 2
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