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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 24 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Only four of the 63 clauses in Magna Carta are still valid today - 1 (part), 13, 39 and 40

     39 and 40 must be the right to a fair trial by a jury of your peers drawn from the area of your alleged offence. 

    13 is the the rights of Skincare shops. 

    1 is the Monarch’s right to use anyone’s toilet without permission and then leave without flushing it or striking a match.  

    But I am only guessing on the first 2. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 40 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    Every time this Magna Carta shite pops up, I wonder yet again if these morons are genuine morons that actually believe it, or just every day dickheads happy to join in with any dickheadery just for the lolz.




    I am afraid it crops up regularly.  Anyone with a basic legal training just laughs.  There are numerous examples of people using the Magna Carta defence only to be told that it’s completely invalid.  From memory there are only a couple of parts that are still valid. 

    One of my favourite legal in-jokes is “Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you.  Did she die in vain.”  

    • Like 1
  3. @Demitri_C The new lock down is subject to a parliamentary vote so exact details are not certain at the moment.  But house moves were allowable in the highest local lock down level and are likely to be allowable from Thursday. Check gov.uk later in the week. 

    My best guess is that you will be ok. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. A massive argument/debate happened this afternoon. Science advisors want to shut schools OR universities. The government doesn't want to. I have no idea what the outcome was. The smart money is on schools staying open but actually running at a much lower capacity due to the number of children and teachers who will be self isolating.  

  5. 14 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    The government is seriously considering a period of near National Lockdown in the next few weeks but with a theme that if we can get the virus down we can have a normal(ish) Christmas.      


    This now appears to be national news. We are up a certain creek without a certain paddle. This government is clueless.  

    • Like 1
  6. @Demitri_C Although a penalty clause is possible and legally enforceable its not very practical.  Your solicitor will charge you extra to draft it.  The other parties solicitor will try to negotiate. Your solicitor will reply and charge you for every reply.  

    If the penalty clause ever kicked in you could expect them to fight it.  That would cost you more money. 

    Sorry to make a generalisation, but solicitors that do conveyancing are normally the most junior or ineffective solicitors in any firm. They are also much cheaper than solicitors who can draft and enforce this sort of penalty clause.  

    Check with your solicitor.  They might have a standard penalty clause that they can just insert into you agreement.  They might.  

    But if I have agreed a price with you and you now want to insert a penalty clause, I would want to renegotiate the price to reflect my added risk.  

    Moving house is incredibly stressful and what you are experiencing is not unusual.  But try to discuss the issue first without mentioning pulling out or penalty clauses.  

    I was once on the opposite side to you.  I wanted to move after Christmas.  The other party wanted the week before Christmas.  They threatened to pull out.  I called their bluff.  Were they really going back to square 1 and losing all the money they had spent so far?  

    Sorry to be a killjoy but this is why its so stressful. 

  7. I think the figures are comparing the last 7 days with the 7 days before that. 

    In the 7 days ending 23/10 there were 16 more cases than thd 7 days ending 16/10. 

    In the 7 days ending 22/10  there were 43 more cases than the 7 days ending 15/10. 

    Its not a daily trend. 


    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Did he fly in a Sopwith Camel , it’s just under a 6 hour flight from Tehran 

    I suppose you have to factor in the possibility of indirect flights, strong headwinds, avoiding shoulder launched anti-aircraft missiles,  being intercepted by a pair of F15 and waterboarding at passport control?

  9. 12 minutes ago, villakram said:

    Budget 2x time for everything that needs doing as the secrets hidden behind every facade and the last effort at re-decorating will make your life "fun". Good luck.

    Wise words @villakram

    We have halogen lights in the kitchen ceiling.  One had a broken clip that holds it in the ceiling.  The previous owners bodged it by wrapping it in newspaper and jamming it back into the ceiling.  We discovered this when the paper caught fire and the bedroom carpet above began to smoke.   Luckily there was much damage.  Its stupid things like that which you can't predict but still have to have the budget to fix.  

    • Like 1
  10. Some of the planning going on for January 2021 is really scary. 

    Its based upon a prediction of a massive spike caused by people who would normally follow the rules deciding to have a normal family Christmas at the end of an awful year.  

    This isn't going to be quick and it isn't going to be painless. 



  11. Is COVID19 just this year's Dr Who Christmas Special?  

    October -  Bernard Cribbins dies.

    November - K9 replaces the Downing Street cat. 

    December - Cummings is unmasked as an alien and Christmas is saved. 

  12. I cannot believe that this government’s policies have actually put us in a worse position sooner than it needed to be.  

    Encouraging people to take flights, crowd indoors to eat, return to the office and delay making masks compulsory are just a few.  

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