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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 2 hours ago, rjw63 said:

    Got seven confirmed viewings after being on the market two days.

    Is that good? I have no idea. It sounds OK.

    That's excellent.  

    In addition to the good advice already given on viewings remember that you are also selling a potential lifestyle to them.   

    Is there anything you can do that would help them imagine a better life there.  

    Some examples >>  If its the summer - put the garden furniture out and have a bottle of wine in an ice bucket.   

    If you are showing a family around - have your kids playing nicely in the garden and looking a picture of happiness.  

    Have the table set ready for lunch/tea.   




    • Like 1
  2. Registered on FACEBOOK.  Slept in a tent. Been to mainland Spain.  Thrown away a toenail clipping.  Rode a motorcycle.  Not made a debt repayment on time.  Been unemployed since aged 16.  



    • Like 1
  3. On 23/01/2021 at 10:54, hogso said:

    What's the reason that Natwest won't deal with all Solicitors? Was a little surprised to be told by a local solicitor who had been recommended to me for my upcoming sale / purchase that they won't (can't?) work with them.

    Welcome to the murky world of bankers and solicitors.  Lenders set up panels for many reasons.  They set a number of criteria which they feel make the solicitor competent to deal with THEIR money.  Its easier for the lender, they can have efficiencies by dealing with multiple transactions with the same solicitor.  There may also be a financial benefit to them.  But you are unlikely to find that out. 

    What can you do about it? Very little at this stage.  In retrospect you need to ask bluntly if they are on the panel of your prospective lender.  

    It's a frustrating loop hole that needs to be fixed. 

  4. I've had a massage purely for relaxation.  Not that keen and unlikely to repeat. 

    Until COVID struck I was having weekly massage from a physio in order to treat a long term spine problem.  It was incredibly beneficial and I would have gladly paid. But fortunately its provided free by my employer.  10 months without massage has really worsened my condition and I can't wait to resume them. 


  5. Van Cleef Midnight Planetarium. 

    Each planet is set onto a separate concentric ring which moves in real time.     

    All done with cogs, springs and levers.   

    The approximate time is show by the shooting star on the very outer ring.    

    I suppose if you can afford £200,000 for a watch you can ask the butler to tell you the exact time.   



    Van Cleef & Arpels







    • Like 1
  6. The Internet must have drastically reduced the sales of jazzmags.  

    Instead of buying porn from the newsagent you can now log on the Internet, look up the address of the nurses accommodation and buy binoculars on Amazon.  

    • Haha 3
  7. 16 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

    I keep hearing the "someone died in a car crash and they put Covid on the death certificate" line from a relative.

    Usually, fewer than 2000 people die in the UK annually as a result of a road accident. Even if they were all thrown in the Covid Pit, it doesn't account for many of the overall deaths.

    I was only giving this as an example to illustrate the difference between "death due to COVID" and "death following a positive test".   For the sake of the example I could have written " I am trampled by a herd of cows".  The point is that some people with COVID die from something completely unconnected but still appear in the statistics. 

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Genie said:

    The lower number was already deaths for any reason, this image was from the 30th December.


    I’m not sure what the difference between “deaths involving Covid-19” and “deaths for any reason within 28 days of a positive test” are.

    I’d expect the latter to be the bigger number too.

     It’s best explained by example. 

    Type 1.  I die due to COVID and it’s mentioned on my death certificate.  

    Type 2.  I crash my car and suffer massive head injuries. As standard I get a COVID test. I am positive but I didn’t have any symptoms.  I die after the test because of my head injuries. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    If they can’t be bothered to sort out the Christmas lights they’re probably leaving all sorts of things in people and not washing their hands.

    Absolute monsters.


    To make matters worse his car is dirty.  Its making the village look a disgrace.  Those sort of low hygiene standards need to be stamped out.  

    Prison is too good for these people.  

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

    I asked you if you wanted to ban guns for the general public and you said "stop being silly." For me, that is not silly.

    Then you tell me I know I am silly?!?!?!

    I believe we should get all guns out of peoples hands. If militias et al. refuse. Arrest them. I don't care about Waco happening again. Go in and shut these right wing idiotic militias down. They don't want to live with the majority of society great! go and live in the woods - you just can't have guns and automatic weapons to come into our communities and kill our loved ones. And half nut jobs who want an arsenal at home can't have it. Sorry - no guns at Walmart anymore.

    Why should my family risk being shot by some idiot? I'm deadly serious - not being silly. Australia did it after a mass shooting. That "my right, Amurica freedom is total bullshit." Get the weapons out of the hands of the idiots. Thats not stupid or silly - thats sensible.

    It's a very serious issue to me. My son. will go to school soon in a state that has had 3 of the worst mass school shootings in history. Should I teach him how to shoot and cary a weapon at 4 years old?

    I believe USA should have a gun law similar to the UK.  But I can also appreciate the “Freedom” argument.  

    Taking guns away is likely to cause widespread conflict and deaths.  But why not start with much simpler and easier methods?  Why not place huge taxes and import duties on ammunition and the related components of ammunition?  

    For an average Joe who genuinely keeps a gun for protection and fires of a few rounds a week it wouldn’t be too much hardship. 

  11. I work in a small city and have been in the office throughout COVID.  In Lockdown 1 I could walk along the High Street and see no-one else.  Most people working in the centre actually got to know one another by name.  You could get 99% of what you genuinely needed and people coming into the centre seemed to be buying the basics.  

    But in Lockdown 3 "click and collect" is legal and being exploited to the maximum. The "Olde Sweet Shop" has a mobile phone number on the window to ring to place orders.  He sits in the shop all day dishing out sweets purchased by people phoning from outside.  That's not very olde.  But its not just him.  The vape shop, the camera shop, several phone shops, CEX, the florist and 2 toy shops are doing the same.  Factor in the various coffee shops and takeaway food outlets and the MAJORITY of the shops are actually open.  

    I have every sympathy for the people who work in these shops and they should be supported.  But a government feels being able to buy tulip bulbs is more important than the strain it causes on a predictably crumbling NHS. 

    • Like 1
  12. On the news its been said that the government is concerned that there are a lot more people venturing outside their homes than in Lockdown 1.

    Could this possibly be because they have allowed a lot more businesses to remain open?

    I agree that dentists, opticians, car repairs and some DIY supplies are pretty basic requirements.  

    But do we really need McDonald's,  garden centres and Starbucks if people will die as a result? 

    • Like 3
  13. On 19/11/2020 at 18:01, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    If anyone wants to get me a Christmas present then I will have one of these Omega please.  

    This picture is the back of the watch which no-one sees. Snoopy moves around the moon and back to earth.  Its all about the connection between Snoopy and the Apollo 13 crew. Its a nice bit of history.  




    With it being such a crazy year I decided to treat myself and buy this.  Absolutely no chance.  The nearest I got was 71st in the queue for an expected 25 watches.  They cost £8250 brand new.   Today I was offered a pre- owned on. £32,500.  My first flat cost less than that.  Crazy.  

    • Shocked 1
  14. Seven days in and we have a 3 month Lockdown, Americans storming Congress based on the blatant lies of the POTUS and at least 2 significant mutations of COVID.  Do you remember the good old days of 2020?  

    • Haha 1
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