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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 8 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Taking some time whilst meds kick in. Feel so sleepy. Work are being very supportive and It’s a massive help as I really worried about how I would cope. 

    Take it easy. My meds make me sleepy but it lessens over time.  Sometimes sleeping is part of the healing process.  You become mentally exhausted and your mind needs that down time.  There are very few illnesses that aren't helped by sleep, rest and taking a break from life's worries.   

    Keep us updated. 

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  2. On 25/04/2021 at 08:56, villan-scott said:


    I’ve been ashamed and it has taken a toll on my mental health. Sleepless nights worrying about it, I should and do know better but been feeling helpless to do anything about it. The debt prevents us from doing a lot of things as a family. My sister is getting married in Rhodes next year, and as it stands we simply can’t afford to get because of this debt and I refuse to put even more on a card  

    I know this is small in comparison to issues discussed in this thread, but it is having a big impact on me and my marriage also. I’m hoping this all goes ahead smoothly as it will transform things for us. 

    You have recognised that there is a problem and admitted it to yourself and others.  That’s a big step.   I am no expert on debt matters but many clients tells me that the Money Advice Service is a very good starting point.  0800 138 7777.  It sounds like you are suffering from a short term problem which should hopefully resolve itself as your money problems resolve itself.  I hope that’s the case and it sounds like you are already on the road to recovery.    If you just want to share how you are feeling you can always post on here or drop my a private message.  It might help.  It might not.  But its worth a try.  Almost all of us have some form of mental health problem at some stage in our of life.  

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  3. 8 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:


    My Lockdown project is progressing nicely.  Its the Reichstag in Berlin 1945.   Its built from wood and over 2 ft long.  

    Now to paint it.   



    I haven't done any serious model painting since I was a kid.  Does anyone have any hints, tips or recommendations for painting? 

    My initial thought was to paint it a medium grey all over, wash a thinned dark grey into the lines and shadows and dry brush a lighter grey onto highlights. Would that work? 

    Although its not visible on this photo I have painter the interior of the end towers with a whitewash. It looks good. I decided to use the excess paint as an undercoat. This is the white you can see.  Is it worth undercoating? 

    Any help gratefully received. 


    1 hour ago, snowychap said:

    I'm glad that the SSRI you take has worked for you and that improved levels of serotonin have improved your situation but the chemical imbalance trope really should have been put to bed some considerable time ago.

    I thought my description was sufficient for a Off Topic discussion on a Football Forum. Of ourse, its not that simple. 

    Its actually caused by the chips in our brains which are placed there by the Uluminati  when we have our MMR vaccinations. 

    Its a pleasure to set the record straight.  

  5. 4 hours ago, DCJonah said:

    Daughter has symptoms so heading off for a test. Anyone got any tips for sticking something down a 5 year olds throat and up her nose?

    I'm nervous she's just going to flat out refuse and then we're stuck indoors for 10 days. 

    Currently offering every bribe we can think of before we set off. 


    Many people just rub the swab from side to side at the back of the throat and then unsurprisingly feel sick  

    Place the swab into the mouth and touch the left tonsil.  Remove it and then place it in again to touch the right tonsil.  


  6. You can never answer that “what if we didn’t lockdown” question because deaths wouldn’t have only been caused by COVID.  They would have been caused by a myriad of connected matters.  

    Putting it simply; if COVID was left to run unrestricted we could have seen a shortage of a particular skilled worker combined with a desperate need for that skill.  For instance a major power outage and a shortage of electrical engineers who could fix it.  The power outage would have caused further deaths and further knock on effects.  No electricity causes traffic lights to fail.  That leads to a bad road accident which leads to gridlock which slows down the transportation of parts needed to repair the power outage.  That causes prolonged power outages which disrupts the gas supply.  And so on.......

    Never underestimate how fragile our way of life is.  

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  7. 30 minutes ago, Xela said:


    I have to disagree with the good old days comment. I class being a teenager being in the mid 90's as being the perfect time to grow up. The benefits of new and exciting technology in the world but without the downright hate and nastiness of the world today. Blinkered nostalgia? Rose tinted specs? Maybe. But i'd take that era over today. 


    The 90s

    Iraq war.

    Break up of Yugoslavia and all the resulting conflicts and genocide. 

    Rwanda genocide. 

    Celine Dion. 

    It was hell I tell you.  Pure hell. 

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