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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 18 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

    On the dialects thread I made a joke anout the swedish chef. 

    Question for Swedes. In the Muppets clearly The Swedish chef talks gibberish. For Swedish audiences is the dub different? Does he actually talk Swedish when dubbed into Swedish?

    Best question ever. 

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  2. 25 minutes ago, El Zen said:

    Agreed. I like this more than I probably should. One of my life ambitions is to see a Villa team line up 1-11. I could die a happy man. 

    I post on behalf of the elder members of the forum.  Been there - seen that loads of times. 

    We've even seen substitutes being number 12, no advertising and keeping the same strip for more than 1 season and dragons landing on the Holte End roof. 

  3. 20 hours ago, bickster said:

    I think we should weigh everything in Badgers, it's going in the manifesto

    Agree.  But we should also have subdivision of a badger themed on other woodland mammals.  

    "3 stoats of cherries please greengrocer." 

    "That's just over.  Its 3 stoats and a pipistrelle.  Is that OK?"

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  4. @ferguson1

    If you want to try on a range of watches without any pressure to buy I would recommend Pragnells in Stratford Upon Avon.  Make an appointment rather than just turning up.  It's a favourite of many current and ex Villa players. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, ferguson1 said:


    What are your thoughts on the Omega 007 limited edition watch? Again, pricey at around £8,000 but I was thinking do these ‘limited edition’ type watches hold/gain value over time?


    I assume you mean the current one which is a lovely cream/brown colour? 

    This is an awkward one for me.  I love the watch.  I love the colours. I love everything about it except its connection to 007.  I haven't purchased one for that reason. 

    It's expensive for what it is.  You are paying an extra £2000 for the bond connection.  

    Will it hold its value?   I am no expert but I doubt it.  It will be attractive to 007 fans which will make it more desirable than a normal version. It seems too commonplace.  

    Have  a look at an alternative 007  Omega reference  This retails at around £5.5k and is going £6k to £7.  But it's a smaller production run. 

    If you want to see whether watches gain or lose value I would recommend the website CHRONO24.co.uk . Most watches are on there and it will give you a good idea.  

    I use it all the time for information and prices but I have never purchased from it.  Nor would I recommend doing so. Its just too risky for me when it's an expensive purchase. I want to see watches before I hand over cash.  

    • Thanks 1
  6. "A well regulated militia being necessary ti the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 

    Is there another sentence that has been responsible for some many deaths?  

  7. I thought I'd update you on my quest to acquire this watch.  Omega Speedmaster Silver Snoopy 50th Anniversary.  The animation on the back of the watch moves as the hands on the face move.  Its not a limited edition but its being produced in very small numbers .  The retail price is £8250.  



    I always knew this was going to be a challenge.  My usual supplier is quite prestigious and can normally guarantee supplying regular customers if you wait long enough.  They will receive 1 to sell during 2021.   I'm a good customer but not good enough.   I started looking around the Grey Market.  These are typically watches that are purchased from authorised dealers and immediately resold for profit.  I was quickly offered one.  If I was willing to shell out £30,000.   I wasn't. 

    I have been continuing to monitor prices and for the first time I have spotted one for sale under £20,000.   But typically they are still going for around £25,000.   Omega seem to have hit problems with the manufacture and supply is still much lower than you'd expect for any limited edition.   I wait to see if Omega will manufacture the watch in 2022, in what volumes and at what price.  

    One day......it shall be mine.  



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  8. Seamaster is a very good watch.  It does not hold its value particularly well but that is not a consideration if you are looking to sell it at a later date.  There are plenty of variants.  

    If you want a bit of history have a look at the Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch.  It's not as eye catching.  But it was the first watch worn on the moon and the authorised watch for NASA.  



    • Thanks 1
  9. 10 hours ago, briny_ear said:

    Funny old world. 

    So kicking someone who has just been tasered for an illegal 33 seconds in the head so hard your shoelaces leave an imprint is justified because Dalian was "not placid"?

    I bow in amazement to the fairness and humanity of our system of justice.

    I am not defending the sentencing.  I am explaining it.  

    if you look back at my posts you’ll see that I outline the 3 different “types” of man slaughter that could have applied.  They were negligent, loss of control and during a criminal act.  

    There are much higher sentences if it’s during a criminal act.  Whilst no-one feels that the method was correct the arrest itself wasn’t illegal.  Had it been done correctly it would have been for Dalian’s benefit.  

    I used the example of someone being placid as a reason why the arrest itself could have been deemed illegal.  Thereby moving it to the higher sentence.  

    Just to be 100% clear to everyone.  I am explaining the sentence NOT defending it.   

  10.  @Talldarkandransome I shall not disagree. I personally agree with you.  

    But my point about being placid is that (with all respect to Dalian) some force could  justified to a jury.   Had he been placid throug, no force would have been justified.  That would have put the offence in a new league.  

    I estimated  the sentence as 10 years.  Therefore,  I agree completely that 8 is lenient.  But 66% of 8 years is very similar to 50% of 10 years.  


  11. 4 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

    Should have been a minimum of 10 years in custody and would have been for any other street thug.

    Probably.   But have a look at my post regarding the sentencing guidelines.  A street thug would probably be undertaking an illegal act.  That immediately raises the starting point for sentencing. Then you could assume a previous criminal record which could add years.  

    The only thing going against this ex-Police Officer was that he had a duty of care over his victim. The only way he'd get a higher sentence was if Dalian had been placid.  In which case he'd undoubtedly be convicted of murder.  


    • Like 1
  12. On 23/06/2021 at 19:45, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    Sentencing guidelines set the following "Starting Points" for various acts of Manslaughter that could be applicable in this case. 

    Negligence 12 Years

    Loss Of Control 14 Years

    During An Unlawful Act 18 Years

    His defence will obviously be pushing the negligence explanation.   Although some of the facts of the case tend to suggest "Loss Of Control" (ie kicks to the head).   Personally I don't think there is enough evidence to show that the arrest was in itself unlawful.  

    Once the starting points has been established it may be further reduced by other factors.  

    My guess would be a Loss Of Control starting point of 14 years which is then reduced to somewhere around 10.  

    But you never know until the pre sentencing reports are available.  

    I'm afraid this sentence was completely predictable.  I calculated 10 years of which he'd serve 5 in custody.  The judge went for 8 years with  2/3 in custody. Which is only slightly over 5.  In fact he could easily have received less. 

    The only way he could have been sentenced to more is if the arrest itself was unlawful. That just wasn't the case.  The method was unlawful.  The act wasn't.  

    • Thanks 1
  13. 45 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

    I think a "Things that make you cringe" thread would be good.


    That would get confusing. We already have, "Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA". 

    • Haha 2
  14. 24 minutes ago, blandy said:

    Another Depeche Mode. 

    Your words like violence have broken the silence.  They have come crashing into my little world.  They are painful to me.  They have pierced right through me.  Can't you understand?  Your words are very unnecessary.  They could  only do harm.   

    • Haha 2
  15. Sentencing guidelines set the following "Starting Points" for various acts of Manslaughter that could be applicable in this case. 

    Negligence 12 Years

    Loss Of Control 14 Years

    During An Unlawful Act 18 Years

    His defence will obviously be pushing the negligence explanation.   Although some of the facts of the case tend to suggest "Loss Of Control" (ie kicks to the head).   Personally I don't think there is enough evidence to show that the arrest was in itself unlawful.  

    Once the starting points has been established it may be further reduced by other factors.  

    My guess would be a Loss Of Control starting point of 14 years which is then reduced to somewhere around 10.  

    But you never know until the pre sentencing reports are available.  

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  16. On 02/06/2021 at 18:12, Xela said:

    I'd be even less likely to go in noting that it was built by Ballymore



    I'd be even less likely to go in the pool if it was owned by Barrymore. 


    • Haha 2
  17. I suspect a lot of people feel like this.  During the 15 months of restrictions we have lost all of those habits and routines that made up our social life.  But the restrictions aren't over and we can't go mad** and have a massive party or go on that round the world cruise.  I guess the answer is to build up our social lives again like we did when we were younger.  We built up our social lives, hobbies and interests over several years and as we get older we constantly change them.  

    Our social lives were "turned off" overnight.  We now need to build them back. 





    ** probably not the best word to use on this thread. 😀


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