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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. Let’s also not forget that:

    The evil Iran armed and trained Afghan Terrorists to fight the UK and US Liberators

    Which is completely different to when:

    The generous UK and US armed and trained Afghan Freedom Fighters to fight the Russian Invaders. 

    But getting back onto 11/9 (like 9/11 but in the correct order)…..it was a day that shook me to the core.  I grew up during the worst IRA bombings on the UK mainland.  But we never had anything as big as the Twin Towers.  Whenever I see the clips again my heart goes out to the American public who lived through it and those innocent people who died on that day.  

    • Like 2
  2. Those of you in the West Mids should enjoy September because you are not going to have the same freedoms in October.  Our idiot PM is desperate to avoid the October lockdown that is necessary.  So it will be repackaged as increased restrictions in certain geographical areas.  Government is presently looking what functions of society can be closed or forced to go back to masks and social distancing for 2 weeks to give the maximum reduction in transmission.  

  3. Words fail me.     Boris is only in power because a large number of people found him to be a likeable character.

    We left the EU to "Take Control of Our Borders".  We have a +25 mile moat as our border with France and we can't control it from illegal immigrants.  Whilst legal immigrants with skills are deserting the country in massive numbers and causing skills shortages.   



  4. 1 hour ago, bickster said:

    in case the captain is substituted

    My point relates to the regular captain.  

    As @chrisp65says the captain's version of the kit could be a selling point.  People already pay more for names and numbers.  

    Or maybe they should have a compulsary tattoo. 🤣

  5. Why do Premier League clubs still use captain’s armbands for the regular captain?  
    Why not print “captain” on the sleeve or adopt a symbol to denote the captain.  Can’t a referee work out who the captain is without a visual marker?  It’s the guy who shakes his hand and does the coin toss?  



  6. Could some of you experts educate me please.  

    I have watched the game. I understand the basic rules. 

    Do teams have varying formations?   Is ii like Rugby Union where the player positions are pretty well defined and matched by both teams?  Do they have things like attacking formations, counter attacking formations etc?  

  7. 27 minutes ago, BOF said:

    Charles Hawtrey was another who was very different off camera compared to on.  Visually similar to KW (and just as 'happy') and often fulfilled similar-ish roles but was by all accounts a total arsehole off camera, very rarely gave interviews (which is fair enough in isolation) and was very difficult to work with.

    In his later years Hawtrey was openly gay and lived a hedonistic lifestyle.  He had a particular fondness for sailors.   Kenneth Williams despised him for it.     

    We forget is that people like Williams and Hawtrey lived in an era when homosexuality between men (but not women) was a criminal offence.  It wasn't until 1967 that it became legal.  

    • Like 1
  8. Sid James is one of my comedy heroes.  But its amazing how unfunny he was in real life.  If he had a script he could deliver perfect lines.  But he had very little natural wit.   Kenneth Williams would exploit this.  I remember seeing one a clip where Kenneth went off on one his unscripted rambles.  Sid just stared at him and said "I've warned you before.  Don't do that." 

    I would heartily recommend listening the the 50s radio show Hancock's Half Hour with Tony Hancock, Bill Kerr and Sid James.  Genius.  

    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, BOF said:

    That's OK. It meant happy back then.

    Who, dear? Kenneth, dear? Gay, dear? No, dear!

    The 70s were a strange time.  TV was full of "camp" gay characters like John Inman and Kenneth Williams.   But the papers would regularly "out" someone as being gay and portray it as shameful.   But Morecombe and Wise could share a bed together on TV and no-one gave it a second thought.   If someone was outed by the press it could mean they would never work again.    Williams' biography is undoubtedly written with his own viewpoint and in a manner that protected his career.   



    • Like 3
  10. On 02/11/2009 at 16:24, Stevo985 said:

    Has Anyone seen my enormous tub of penis enlargement cream?

    Episode 4.  Great posts in Villatalk history with absolutely no context. 

    • Haha 2
    • Shocked 1
  11. 15 hours ago, MNVillan said:

    Man, I’ve had a really hard time today. Back in 2019 Mrs MNVillan went through a battle with cancer. For some reason today I’ve been getting lots of flashbacks from bad memories during chemotherapy, and it’s pretty much crippled me mentally. I had to leave work early and come home because I just couldn’t cope.

    The sounds like PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder).  Seek help If it continues.  Like most illnesses it’s easier to sort out if treated and not ignored.  

    • Like 2
  12. I did read the text in red. But as I am not “reporting a problem with the website” I did not interpret that as applicable.  

    I access Villa Talk using an I-phone and an android phone.  Either or both methods would be useful.  

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