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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 2 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    A few things puzzle me.    

    1. Why should France/EU stop people leaving France/EU?   If these people entered the EU legally they are entitled to leave.   If they entered the EU illegally they are still entitled to leave.  What is the legal basis for stopping someone leaving a country?   

    2.  Due to free movement within the EU  people could catch the ferry from France to Ireland.   From there they can just walk across the free border into the UK.  How can we possibly stop that in the future without a hard border?   


    I have now found out the answer to both of these questions and it’s really interesting.  In 2003 Britain and France signed the Touquet Accords.  To put it simply it authorises British Officials to prevent people travelling to France if they don’t meet French entry requirements.  It’s a reciprocal agreement.  Therefore the French cannot allow someone to leave France for the UK if they know they don’t have the necessary UK entry documents.  

    A similar agreement covers France to Ireland.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Couldn't hold a candle to the pipes and drums of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. 

    My favourite is the band of the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers.     

    They way they march whilst programming those synthesisers is breath-taking.  


  3. 14 hours ago, Genie said:

    1000 migrants cross the channel in 2 days, when does Brexit kick in to stop this happening? 

    A few things puzzle me.    

    1. Why should France/EU stop people leaving France/EU?   If these people entered the EU legally they are entitled to leave.   If they entered the EU illegally they are still entitled to leave.  What is the legal basis for stopping someone leaving a country?   

    2.  Due to free movement within the EU  people could catch the ferry from France to Ireland.   From there they can just walk across the free border into the UK.  How can we possibly stop that in the future without a hard border?   


  4. 42 minutes ago, PussEKatt said:

    In the NFL you often see a team gain yardage,then the ref calls a penalty and the penalty is "declined".Which obviously means that they broke a rule but declined the penalty to keep the yardage.

    So, what about when a team scores a touchdown or gains over 10 yards and are called back for,eg a false start.Why cant they just decline that penalty as well ?!  

    That's not how it works. 

    If a team commits a foul they get a penalty.  The OPPOSITION can decide whether to enforce that penalty or decline it.  

    As examples  

    Team A runs the ball forward 20 yards but Team B committed a fould worth 10 yards.  Team A would decline the penalty.  

    Team A runs the ball forward but commits a foul worth 10 yards while doing so.  But Team A also fumbles the ball.  Team B gains possession. Team B would decline the penalty.  

  5. The Human Rights Act Article 6 gives everyone the right to a fair trial.  One of the things that makes a trial fair is "without excessive delay".  There is no definition of excessive delay because it is proportionate to the offence. But for something simple like a minor speeding offence 6 weeks is an excessive delay.  Just to be clear on this.........it needs to be the prosecuting authorities avoidable delay.  If you delay the matter HRA6 does not apply.  



  6. 37 minutes ago, bickster said:

    What was the speed limit in the section? And what type of camera was it?

    70mph and one of the Police Camera Vans parked on a bridge overlooking the motorway.  

    The standard timespans are 14 days to receive the letter asking who the driver was and another 28 days to give a notice intending to prosecute.  

    I am now confident that I could argue “un-due delay” if necessary.  


  7. 19 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

    As we have quite a few posters from all over, I often wonder what posters actually sound like in real life and if their accents match what I'd imagine them to.

    School Spanner Gordon Grimley. 

  8. Wrestling is entertainment.  I can watch a Bond film and enjoy a car chase.  The enjoyment is not spolied by knowing that the car chase was staged by stunt men who worked to a script.  Wrestling is the same.  Suspend belief and enjoy the story.  

  9. It’s going to be the eye colour of “someone” from each state.  Every state has a senator, governor, richest resident etc.  

    My guess is it’s the eye colour of each states’ most successful rounders player based on some statistical measure.   

  10. I do not believe in "the good old days".  There is no better time to be alive than today.  Compare me ro the richest man in the world of 1921.  I have better medical care than him.  I drive a better car than him.  I fly inbetter planes, I more comfort and get there quicker.  On the whole the past was rubbish.  

    But I believe we should preserve the best of the past.  We don't need old mechanical watches.  But we don't need the Roseta Stone either.  To improve the future we need keep the best of the past.  I would rather own 1 quality watch that is 50 years old than 2 Apple Watches. My 50 year old watch will still be doing its job in 50 years from now.  By that time the Apple watches of today will be in landfill. 

    That's why I love Villa Park.  History and quality has a value.  

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, bickster said:

    So you appear to be saying that people who wear watches are right rocket polishers

    I am shocked that you should jump to that conclusion.  I was referring to whisking egg whites.  

    • Haha 1
  12. 13 minutes ago, bickster said:


    2) I really don't like the unbalanced feeling of having something on one wrist and nothing on the other.

    A significant weight on my left wrist ensures the same muscle tone as 2 minutes of frantic activity with my right wrist. 😉

    • Haha 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Phil Silvers said:


    The haggling etc, make them work for the sale, trying a few on, never pay ticket, they WILL do a deal. 

    Excellent advice from @Phil Silvers but there is a downside to haggling.  

    The really high demand watches that appreciate in value are produced in small numbers.  These are not sold on a first come first served basis.  

    The best watches go to the best customers.  Haggling too hard makes you less likely to get into that club.  

    If I want to reduce a price with a High Street chain I will normally ask to see the watch I want and a few more that are cheaper.  Mention your budget and make sure it’s lower than the ticket price on the watch you want.  Talk about loving the watch you want but it being out of you range which is why you are looking at the cheaper options.  They will often give you the discount to secure the sale of the higher price watch.  

    A couple of my suppliers call me when a watch arrives that they know I will like.  They will always say that they called me first.  In reality there is a list of good customers and I am probably near the bottom of that list.  But I still get chance to buy watches that are never going on general sale.  

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Risso said:

    Under no circumstances buy an Omega Bond watch. Like most Omegas they look nice, but the Bond tie in is naff and they depreciate like nobody's business.

    The Bond tie in is naff.  It's going to depreciate.  But look at it.   It's beautiful.  


    • Haha 1
  15. 20 minutes ago, Mozzavfc said:

    Despite not having the budget of you millionaires I've been following this thread. Is eBay the best place to buy watches, even if it's sub-£500?

    Well.......its a risk......but the prices are generally good.  

    EBAY offers a verification service but its for watches over £2000.  

    For me to shell out £500 I would want to see a really good and long history of feedback specific to watches.  

    All watches can be faked and the quality is getting better.  There is no way to tell from pictures unless it's a terribly cheap fake.  You really need to inspect the movement and be able to spot the difference.  On a luxury watch you can normally spot the lower quality standards even if all of the bits are correct.  But the cheaper the watch the lower the quality standard on the genuine article.  Therefore a fake looks closer to the original.  

    What are you looking for?  New?  Nearly new? Vintage?  

    I tend to buy cheaper new watches from manufacturers.  Expensive new watches from dealers.  Vintage watches from wherever I find them.  

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