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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. 12 hours ago, Xela said:

    Was a German citizen after renouncing his Austrian citizenship. 

    Agreed.  But the map is where they are “ from” rather than their citizenship.  If it were, there are other arguments.  Marie Currie was a French Citizen. Tesla was an American Citizen.   The one thing when can all agree on is that David Suchet is 100% Belgian.  😂

  2. 2 minutes ago, avfc1982am said:

    I wouldn't do that. however, I didn't get your joke but I'm having a busy day with much going whoosh over my head.  

    And James Blunt is a pal of my brother which is why I asked. 

    No problem.  I am not a fan of James Blunt's music but the team that run his Twitter feed are hilarious. They often joke about his music.  They once suggested repeatitive playing  of "You're Beautiful" should  be legally  recognised as torture. 

  3. Desperate times call for desperate measures.  

    James Blunt is ex-forces and specialised in tank warfare.  Let's give him a billion pounds, our best tank, a commitment to provide permanent stealth fighter cover and send him to the Donbass.  

    Just think of the massive increase to Ukrainiane's morale and willingness to fight knowing that he's  joined the Russian Army. 


  4. 2 hours ago, magnkarl said:

    What makes you think that Russia has the ability to fortify this region when they can't drive a convoy straight forward without running out of fuel/food and getting blitzed by counter attacks?

    It takes time to fortify an area, Russia seem incapable of understanding basic military strategy. Like for instance not putting supplies in an area they can get attacked for the 112th time (Kherson airport).

    The tonnes of concrete, steel and builders are owned by Putin's mates. If the corruption in the military is anything to go by then the tonnes of concrete and steel has likely been flogged to China on the black market, and most of the builders and engineers are expats.

    You asked for an example of resources that could be used that isn't already in play.  If you feel that Russia is incapable of fortifying a region then I respect your viewpoint but completely disagree.


  5. If you travel in a straight line heading northerly you will eventually end up travelling south and vice versa. 

    But you can walk travel directly east or directly west for ever. 

    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, magnkarl said:


    What resources is it that you think Russia has available for this war, that isn't already in play, bar nukes?


    Several million tonnes of concrete, and steel plus 50,000 builders, engineers and countless numbers of JCB equivalents and cranes. 

    Its one thing for Ukraine to kill Russians advancing on well built Ukrainian defensive positions.  But what would it take to dislodge a Russian sheltering in a bunker?  To "win" the war Ukraine would need to dislodge Russians from defensive positions that can only be encircled by invading Russian territory. 

    But I again go back to my point that it's perfectly possible they can do this.  But they need to be able to control the air and shred supply lines across the Russian border.  

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, bickster said:

    This is absolutely not correct

    I said that Russia has deployed a small percentage of its resources to the conflict.  That is not the same as deploying military.  I have posted on here before that the Russian Military is at breaking point because so much of it is deployed to repel a perceived potential NATO attack.  NATO surrounds Russia on sides.  

    But how much of their resources are being used directly for this conflict?  WW2 showed that the Russian army is pretty poor and easily outclassed by any army not using pikes and flintlock.  But it also showed that Russia is damn hard to defeat when they deploy their full population to a war effort. 

    At its simplest, Russia has a huge area of industry that is out of range of anything but insurrection attacks. 

    I go back to something else I have posted on here before.  For Ukraine to win they need different weapons to the ones being deployed now.  Since I first said that, NATO has started to provide more offensive kit.  But will we arm them with modern aircraft and long range missiles?  



  8. My personal opinion  is that Ukraine cannot "win".  Russia has deployed a small percentage of its resources to the battle. Ukraine has committed everything.  In a long term conflict Russia might lose individual battles but they can sustain the loses.  Ukraine can't.  Even if the Russian potato rises against Putin, Russia will not give up everything g they have taken from Ukraine.  

    The big unknown is how long Putin will remain and who replaces him. A change of leadership would give Russia the chance to blame Putin for the war and appear to be taking a humanitarian stance.  

    This could easily turn into a situation similar to what already exists in Cyprus and Korea.  They effectively have buffer zones and a ceasefire that neither side has anything to gain. But neither side has to admit that the struggle is over.  

    Europe has been fighting over its borders since history began.  We are sheltered in the UK by our massive moat.  Our borders are incredibly well defined and have been the same for hundreds of years.  The rest of the world is far less defined. 


  9. Well said comrade @Spoony

    From now on this thread should only contain glorious and wholesome jokes.  

    Three men go into a pub.  A Russian, a Ukrainian and a Finn.

    The Ukrainian buys the Russia a drink to thank him for liberating Ukraine.

    The Finn provokes the Russia by learning self defence.

    The Russian kills the Ukrainian’s children who are a unproductive drain on society and the main reason for the failure to meet this year’s wheat harvest quota.  

    The Finn steps in to help using a NATO provided Pool Cue but is also killed by the Russian.  

    And the punchline is that we had already exceeded the wheat quota by a significant margin.  


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