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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. I have had the "pleasure" of working with many MPs from all parties. Whilst some are in it for their own gains, most work exceptionally hard and shoulder huge responsibility. They are often in a no-win situations and Iraq was one of those situations. A single WMD against Israel might have lead to a much worse consequences than what actually happened.  We now know it was not going to happen. But that's the benefit of hindsight. 

    Whatever your opinion of MPs, in my experience they agonise long and hard about these decisions. Sometimes they get the big decisions wrong. But the vast majority of their decisions are made knowing that the press will ruin them for the few decisions that backfire whilst ignoring the good they do.

  2. Guzan: I would keep as I think he can be a decent keeper if he regains confidence and has a stable defence to work with. But I think Brad needs a fresh start and will leave. No great loss. Good luck.

    Losercott: We are stuck with him. Hopefully we can agree a pay-off. I'd play him if he's the best option. But we'll be in a dire position of he's in contention.

    Richards: I don't see him being with us at the end of the transfer window. He'll be picked up by a bottom 10 Premership team.

    Gabby: If he turns up for training looking like a Greek God AND he takes a pay cut he would be worth keeping. If not, I can't see anyone taking him off our hands. 

    Bacuna: I have never seen why people rate him. He's a handy utility player to have on the bench but shouldn't be anywhere near the first team. Hopefully he'll be signed up by Barcelona as a big name signing. Or maybe Hull as a handy utility player to have on the bench. 

  3. Randy Lerner was driving along the motorway and suddenly pulls over to the side of the road, jumps out of the car and bursts into tears. 

    By an amazing coincidence a coach of Villa fans sees this happen and stops to see what's going on. 

    "I'm ruined" wails Randy. "My wife left me and took half my money. I had to sell my father's business,  I ruined the Cleveland Browns and lost a load of money. Then I did the same with the Villa. I'm a laughing stock and haven'the got a cent to my name. I was going to drive to a secluded spot and end it all by pouring petrol over myself and setting myself alight. But I can't even do that right. I'm out of petrol."

    The Villa fans generously held a whip round for Randy to help him out. Do you know how much they raised?




    27 litres of unleaded. 

    • Like 1
  4. I'd take £5000 in 2p to a seaside arcade.  To see if it is possible to make a profit on the coin push machine. I think if you insert enough you can eventually push that big pile of coins over the edge and win more than you have put in. 

    I have to know!!!!!!

    Anyone know the answer?

    • Like 2
  5. It's very easy to predict our future if we stay in the EU. It will be very similar to now with a few changes,  some good, some bad.

    But if we leave there is no way to predict what will happen. That is purely based on what OTHER countries decide and what agreements we can negotiate. For instance Spain could easily say that all English ex-pats living in Spain must leave, can only visit Spain for a maximum of 6 months and cannot work whilst in Spain (as is the normal rule with USA).  That's just one minor example of decisions we cannot control that may or may not impact on us. 

    I think we should leave the EU. But I also think that leaving is far too risky. Just like Scottish Independence. 




  6. Great effort folks. But you need a change to continue getting publighty in the next game. "Where's Wally?" posters rebranded to "Where's Randy?" is still my preference.  But whatever you choose.......thanks for giving a damn what happens to Villa and giving up your time and money.

  7. The NFL want to get rid of kickoffs in order to make the game safer. A few proposals have been discussed but nothing finalised. I found this idea quite ininteresting.

    Instead of a kickoff (at the start of each half or after a score) a team would be given the ball on their own 20 (?) yard line. They would then get 1 down to get 20 (?) yards. Or they could punt. 

    I'd be sad to see kickoffs go. But if they did this could be an exciting alternative. Imagine being 14 down with 10 seconds to go. Two Hail Mary passes to save the game.

    The only bad thing is that the Raiders could go for a entire match and only touch the ball once. 

  8. The worst part of Hollis letter is the suggestion that they are trying to establish the root cause of our problems. The root cause is pretty obvious.

    Lerner has made bad decisions on staff appointments and how he spent his money. Those staff have made bad decisions on staff appointments and how they spent the money available.

    So...the root cause is Lerner and the people Lerner appoints.

    Just remind me, who appointed Hollis?

    At the time of writing I am not worried about Premiership relegation. Its getting together a team that will not bw involved in a relegation struggle NEXT year. 



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