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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. When I saw this topic on the front page I thought there had been another shooting. I honestly thought "What are the odds of that?" Someone in Vegas could probably tell me.

    There have been proven government conspiracies throughout history but this wasn't one. Governments are not good at keeping secrets. Nor can they 100% effectively organise overt operations let alone covert ones.

    A dick with access to heavy weapons goes on a rampage. It's happened before and it will happen again.  That's what some humans do. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

    Can "incitement" and "potential" actually be measured and used in court ?


    Many of our laws are based upon the principle of "a reasonable man". Putting it simply we have the right to reasonable free speech rather than total free speech.

    What you do, how you do it, when you do it and why you do it are all considerations. Two identical actions can be treated very differently depending on these factors. The most obvious example being swearing. A reasonable man would expect a stronger use of language in a pub than outside a primary school. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    On the train at the moment and I found myself sharing a table with 3 obnoxious and racist pensioners.

    I was carrying a spare PC keyboard.  I took it out and started typing even though it wasn't connected. They didn't seem to notice. So I asked each one if they could lend me some paper for my typewriter?

    It's worked but rather too well and I now have the carriage to myself.

    Happy days. 


    A colleague has just offered me £50 if I will walk into the next carriage and yell "Why does everyone always leave me?"

    We're presently negotiating the price. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  4. Its very quiet at work and we're having a rambling conversation to fill the time. 

    At one stage prescription medicines were all dispenses in similar looking brown bottles.  Each had a "childproof" lock which made a terrific clicking noise when turned and was virtually impossible for anyone to remove unless you were a 5 year old toddler. 

    But  prescription medicines are now dispensed in foil packets and cardboard boxes.

    Drug companies are using packaging that makes it easier for children to get at the Smarties and overdose on mom's anti-depressants.    

    Are there any other commercial products that have been purposefully altered to make them less safe? 

    Its akin to a car manufacturer abolishing airbags or making headlights less effective. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Should have said 4 police forces that I know of :D or 4 police forces that have stopped me for speeding ;)

    You've probably bumped into some without realising.

    Certain areas (and Merseyside is one) utilise them as first responders and armed response.

    Speed near a nuclear power station and you'll definitely be able to add them to your speeding ticket collection. 

  6. Henning Wehn once said that theither would never be a holocaust in Britain. 

    Our railways aren't good enough.

    I may be a bad person but I found it very funny. 

    I'd it acceptable that the topic is the Holocaust but the punchline is late trains?

    I suppose it's offensive if someone finds it offensive. But I don't. 

  7. Last night I ventured into Brum for the first time in years to see Ricky Gervais' show.  Thanks to the VTers who advised me to park at Five Ways.  It worked a treat.

    Towards the end of the show a guy walked right to the front of the stage and interputed the show with "You used to be funny but you're not any more".

    Gervais just said "And?". 

    The audience was there because they do think he's funny and reacted accordingly. 

    Security removed him from the Arena before he could say anything else.   

    If you've paid money and think the show is rubbish,   why not leave and have a nice meal and a drink so that it hasn't been a wasted night.

    Regardless of whether you like the artist concerned or not, what the hell did he think it would achieve? 

    What was his dream scenario? 

    Gervais is hardly going to say "Fair point.  I'll train to become an accountant instead.  Thanks for the career advice."

    Nor is the audience likely to rise as one and shout "He's right you know.  Your work has decreased in quality in comparison to several years ago."   

    • Like 3
  8. 12 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    personally pretty much whenever i park in brum i park at the NCP at 5 ways (down by cineworld) and walk because its cheap and im tight, easy to get in and out of and you can either get straight on to the hagley road or be on the bristol road in 2 minutes

    Thanks for the advice. How long does it take to walk from there to the NIA?



  9. I haven't lived in Brum for over 15 years.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for parking at the Barclaycard Arena/NIA on a Tuesday evening? 

    Does it get gridlocked around the arena at closing?

    I'll be heading South out of the city afterwards.

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