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Posts posted by Tom13


    Its unlikely, but I'm just saying I don't think its at the point where there is no way back for him. He certainly hasn't burned his bridges - he's made some strange calls, people are seriously questioning him, but he's not overseen embarrassing collapses in individual games.

    What about Leicester away?

  2. Something happened to him yesterday because there were at least three occasions in the second half when he had loads of space to overlap in to and he didn't go. He held back and received a nothing ball. 

    We'd switched to a back four then so maybe he was told not to bomb on. Maybe he wanted to but was worried about leaving the space in behind that has led to goals previously. Either way, he needs to have the confidence to run past people, especially when there's easy space to run in to. 

    And there was a moment in the last fifteen minutes when Grealish had the ball twenty yards infield and was imploring him to bomb on so he could play a ball in. 

    In the end Grealish played the ball there anyway to force Amavi to run on to it - he belatedly chased it and nearly got to it but it went out of play. Before any of that had happened, Jack had already shouted "F*** off" and turned his back on it - he was clearly furious.

    Now that begs two questions.

    1.) Is Amavi being instructed not to make runs to the byline, even when other players think the space is available?

    2.) Does our 20 year old playmaker know more about the game than his manager?

    I think we've got this very talented footballer confused and tied up in knots of thinking about what he should be doing rather than just expressing his ability - by all means make sure he's doing everything right tactically in his own half, but let him play once he's in the final third surely?

    He looks really, really frustrated to me.


    Someone recalls that differently in the Grealish thread :D

  3. Were ruining this guy's career 


    Not ruining ruining his career in the slightest. He's a good player with huge potential and he's showing that.

    He cost us a point against Palace and you could say the goal VS Albion was down to his error as well. So there's a lot of room for improvement still.

    • Like 1
  4. I remember after Sherwood got sacked by Spurs he was doing some punditry on ITV4 on the Europa League. He came across utterly clueless with his opinions on certain players etc. I put that to the back of my mind after what he did end of last season but now it's more in my mind than ever!

  5. People really are only as good as their last game or two on here aren't they?

    Sinclair has been crap the past 2 games but one of our best players for the first few games of the season.

    Don't agree, he's just anonymous in every game he plays. Doesn't try and take his man on, just puts in extremely average performances.

  6. Got a feeling we will see



    If Agbonlahor and Sinclair both start...oh my days...

  7. I don't quite understand the people who say, 'I'm going, so we will lose. Whenever I go, we lose'.

    If anyone ever goes, we lose.

    We lose all the time. 


    My last few games have been...

    Villa 0-1 Man City (2013)

    Villa 0-2 West Ham (2014)

    Villa 1-4 Stoke City (2014)

    Villa 0-1 Swansea (2015)

    Villa 0-1 Burnley (2015)

    Villa 2-2 Sunderland (2015)

    Liverpool 3-2 Villa (2015)

    Played 7. Won 0, drawn 1, lost 6. Scored 5, conceded 14.


    • Like 1
  8. Right tim stoke game saturday at HOME so none of this containment get into them and attack. International break after its better to have won than have fans on your back i want to see this team start with no gabby do the right thing for once.


    Hutton  richards   clark   amavi

                    Gana    sanchez

    Gil                 veretout        grealish











    drop grealish for traore

    Not sure that would work. Don't see Traore as the cutting inside type (if he was to play on the left) and if we swapped Gil to the left, don't think he has the pace to go on the outside regularly.

  9. Cannot see someone like Wilkins making that comment tbh. The bloke is very measured and cautious with his comments at the best of times never mind around a media crew, off air or not. 

    How do you know this? Do you work in Television? It's pretty obvious Tomaszk's information is correct and (s)he isn't some kid making it up to get twitter followers. Andy Gray and Richard Keyes were very measured with their comments on air, how'd that work out?

    That was JUST banter.

  10. He is terrible in an advanced role though. Against Sunderland for example, when he gets on the ball in an advanced area or on a counter attack - he is awful. Maybe he should be given a run as the base CM but at the moment I think I'd rather see Sanchez and Gana as first choice, plus one if we're playing 4-3-3.

  11. Hutton gets into loads of decent positions but his crossing is generally awful. Never shies away from receiving the ball though.

    He could have prevented Liverpool's opening goal on Sat though, the ball was loose from Moreno's feet and there to be won but Hutton decided to leave it.

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