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Posts posted by Tom13

  1. 6 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

    Yeah. It was a yard out with half the goal to aim at and hit it at 100mph off the post. It was literally a 0.99xG

    Definitely not as they only had 0.83xG for the whole half.

    The keeper was right in his face, can see why he thought he needed to blast it.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Aston_Villan4 said:

    Am I crazy or was that clearly a punch to his stomach? Surely there’s video of it on Twitter already.

    Commentators seemed quite dismissive of it and I think they only showed one replay. Absolutely bizarre. Definitely looked a clear punch.

    When you think of the red Dougie got away to Fulham last season...unbelievable.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, TRO said:

    That's like a lovely shiny bucket with a hole in it.

    The first job of a CB is to defend.....if they can play out, that's a bonus. i.e VVD

    Very simple view. If a defender is winning you more points than he's losing you because of excellent passing, why is one more important than the other?

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Man United had a non-penalty VAR approved against them this week. Wolves have no chance.

    VAR is shit, not corrupt.

    The people making decisions using the VAR technology are **** idiots.

  5. His decision making still infuriates me. Had a couple of opportunities for a cutback at 2-0 and failed to do so both times.

    As good as he can be, I still view him as a bit of a fair weather player.

    • Confused 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, KentVillan said:

    Got no problem with what he said, nor his performance, but wonder if it was the wisest thing to throw that out in public.

    Firstly, even though he says he's referring to himself as part of the team, he's clearly having a dig at players other than him who let Brentford back in the game. Wonder how well that will be received in the dressing room.

    Secondly, it's being spun way out of proportion with what he said, which was more a comment on the specific game. BBC reporting it as if he's said the club/team in general has no bottle.

    Oh well. Quality player, and likeable too, has probably earnt the right to say stuff like this.

    Speaking sense as always mate

    • Like 1
  7. It's awkward for him, he takes a step towards the cross as if he thinks it's going to be low or hit him, but then it's over him and somehow volleyed in. Really a bizarre goal to concede.

  8. 4 hours ago, KevinRichardsonsMoustache said:

    Couldn’t concentrate on the interview. Who is that masked gesticulating fella? 

    I was gonna say...wtf have I just watched 😂

    • Haha 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, GlobalVillan said:

    Wolves fans on their forum saying they should get their lawyers involved as VAR is clearly corrupt and against them. Not long ago, there were a couple on their who actually said they should get the police involved. The f****** police!

    Nobody gives a shit about you, you deluded clearings in the woods. Why on earth would VAR be corrupt against a nothing club like Wolves. Lol.

    Not to mention West Ham had a goal ruled out ny VAR today.


    No-one gives a shit about any club except their own fans.

  10. 1 hour ago, Rodders said:

    Watkins calling out in the post match again. Rightly so. Kind of thing which will motivate him to leave if we keep doing it. Doesn't want to keep playing with losers and bottlers. We're a very insecure side incapable of learning.

    What's he said? Should post quotes.

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