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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. How did they not score? Wales living on luck.
  2. Wales look so vulnerable in defence. A better side would have scored two or three at this point.
  3. Can already tell these are the second games in the tournament, more eagerness and drive from the players. Some of the first games were just lacklustre.
  4. Wales struggling, Iran look up for it so far.
  5. That's that a cracking goal that. Hate to admit it, can't stand him.
  6. Not exactly a thriller this one, poor first half.
  7. Did Ronaldo's own celebration, the balls on him. I love it.
  8. The atmosphere as just died, feels like a funeral now.
  9. Literally went to the toilet and they concede two goals.
  10. Yes, get in Ghana. Absolutely deserved after that pathetic dive from Ronaldo.
  11. If you can't beat them fairly, you might as well cheat. Nice dive.
  12. Cameroon look solid, comfortably on top at the moment.
  13. Thank god we got Jermaine Jenas to tell us that KDB is human, however would we know. What an insufferable p*ick.
  14. KDB is a great player, but he's only as good as the players around him.
  15. I think Hazard is done, wouldn't be shocked if he retires from international duty after the WC.
  16. Daylight robbery, out of absolutely nothing. Belgium have been bleeding awful.
  17. How was that not a penalty? Bizarre.
  18. Remember when they were talking about this generation of Belgium players as being world beaters, crazy how things have changed.
  19. Despite the crap penalty. Canada been the better side. Belgium look average.
  20. Always worth keeping in mind the competition, Costa Rico are absolute rubbish so it'll be interesting how Spain does against tougher competition.
  21. Seeing so many seats empty is depressing, it's the World Cup.
  22. Some great defending from Japan there.
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