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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. You just got to give it to Morocco, they really are giving this everything and deserve the lead. Surprised how poor Portugal have looked so far.
  2. I'm so sick of Ronaldo, it's always as to be about him. Who cares, he's well past his prime.
  3. The referee was an absolute joke, through about yellow cards like they were sweets. Credit to Emi and Argentina, I think the right team won in the end.
  4. I think the ref only averaged like 3.5 cards a game, this one as got out of hand.
  5. Yeah, you have to fancy Netherlands now.
  6. The referee as no control over this game, it's pathetic really.
  7. Really well worked freekick to be fair.
  8. I just knew that was going to happen, almost seemed inevitable in this World Cup.
  9. Full credit to Morocco though, absolutely deserved. Spain looked so average.
  10. What the hell is going on with the penalties in this World Cup? Never seen penalties that are so abysmal in my life. It's like they are purposely taking penalties that are easy to save.
  11. Really need to be rid of extra time, it's clear it doesn't really serve a purpose anymore. Just go straight to penalties.
  12. Don't think much of this Spain side. Morocco look the more dangerous.
  13. Over after 12 minutes, embarrassing stuff.
  14. Suspect this is going to be a rough night for South Korea.
  15. I'm with Alan Shearer, what happened to putting the ball down and smashing it into the net.
  16. Full credit to Japan, they've been fantastic. But the penalties were awful and they clearly hadn't practiced them. But Japan really are a country on the rise in football, need to learn from it.
  17. Important second goal, great work from Bellingham yet again.
  18. He might be a former bluenose, but that Bellingham is a cracking player.
  19. Can't say it was deserved, they look awful. But who cares, a goal is a goal.
  20. Keep in mind, this is a Senegal without Mane.
  21. Christ, England look awful. Senegal giving it a great go.
  22. Who ever goes through is going to get hammered by France.
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