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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. Surely that was a corner? Referee as been pretty crap today.
  2. Adama is abysmal in front of goal. I could hit more shots on target than him and I have arthritis.
  3. Lovely goal. Keeper seemed out of his goal area there tho.
  4. Wolves have got to fancy there chances here given Liverpool's recent performances and changes in the squad.
  5. 18 million doesn't seem that crazy these days given some of the fees being thrown around. Plus his age would be a factor too.
  6. You mean fouled. Worked out pretty well for Grealish.
  7. Interesting deal this one, I only really know about him because Benfica were checking him out. Looks like a powerful forward, from the videos I've seen he gets fouled as much as Jack does.
  8. Arsenal have looked pretty comfortable, you can see why they are leading. Got to give credit to Arteta.
  9. That was pathetic from Xhaka, didn't touch him. Also when did refs stop enforcing players surrounding him, I hate to see that personally.
  10. Chelsea throwing around money hoping it'll fix their issues, some things don't change. Anyone bringing up FFP, that means bugger all these days.
  11. It's crazy given the season West Ham had last season.
  12. The fact that Liverpool have stuck with Gomez for so long as genuinely baffled me.
  13. Even the players look like they've given up on Klopp. Credit to Brighton, they've been great.
  14. Lampard finished surely now. Liverpool look awful.
  15. True, can't forget about them given their current form.
  16. Yep, it's Arsenal's title to lose at this point. Both City and Liverpool look done for.
  17. They have become to reliant on Haaland I think, they don't seem to have any other ideas anymore. Look at past seasons and they had so many attacking options, it was why they were so difficult to play against. They look one dimensional this season.
  18. I genuinely think teams have finally figured out how to defend against Haaland.
  19. City have seriously only had one shot on target all game, and that was Jack's goal. Pretty abysmal.
  20. The massive amount of hype the media give this Manchester Derby can get pretty sick inducing. You'd think the Gods of football had graced us worthy of such a game.
  21. The media seemed genuinely angry that Leeds didn't win.
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