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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. Anthony Gordon? No thanks. Had a few good games last season but he's just so unlikable. We could do a lot better than him.
  2. Not the best performance, but it's still an important three points. Emi superb yet again. Some nice spells of passing to, but I think we need more firepower up front especially with Ings gone.
  3. Think we've been riding our luck for much of this game, be nice to get a second. Going to be a nervous ten or more minutes.
  4. We just look rather toothless, especially up front. Selling Ings hasn't exactly helped us there.
  5. That was probably one of the worst games I've watched so far this season, just dull throughout.
  6. Still amazed Klopp as stuck with Jones for so long, he's so average.
  7. Stupid time wasting from Chelsea, sick to death of seeing this.
  8. Seems a tad cruel to put Milner against Mudryk given their age differences.
  9. It's crazy how much Liverpool miss Mane, they really didn't appreciate what he did for them.
  10. Clear both these sides lack confidence, Salah looks a shadow of himself at the moment.
  11. Honestly, it's an interesting approach from Chelsea. They are basically spreading the cost of these players over very long contracts allowing them to work within the rules of FFP I believe, I do wonder if we'll see this repeated by other teams in the future. I guess it all depends on if it works out. That said, they'll most likely still have to sell some players this January given the size of the squad. Apparently there's talk that Sterling's future at the club is far from certain despite only being a recent purchase from City. Basically Chelsea have found a loophole in the FFP rules, one I expect a lot of clubs to copy.
  12. I forgot Nakamba was still at the club to be honest. I can't see to many new faces coming in this window, I think summer will be a lot busier.
  13. Juve seem like a club rotten to the core, not at all surprised by this. Spur's Fabio Paratici banned from Italian football for 30 months, makes you wonder about some of their transfers.
  14. Best of luck to Danny, can't exactly blame him for not wanting to be a bench player under Emery.
  15. That was abysmal from City. What the hell as happened to them? Haaland as looked a shadow of himself since the World Cup break.
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