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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. I'm sick to death of hearing Gary Neville's opinions on anything at this point. He just needs to shut up already.
  2. That kind of sucks for Danny, doesn't sound like he'll be out for to long though. Could hurt the Hammers though.
  3. One of the worst managers we've ever had. Now he's being linked to Everton to replace Lampard, haven't they suffered enough.
  4. That might be the most bored sounding co-commentator ever.
  5. Looking at Twitter, I get the impression some Southampton fans aren't exactly excited to have him back.
  6. Benzema really is an outstanding player, great finish for Real Madrid.
  7. What the heck happened to that United defender we loaned twice? Honestly, forgot his name.
  8. Cracking game this, great example of what the Premier League can be all about.
  9. Anthony Gordon? No thanks. Had a few good games last season but he's just so unlikable. We could do a lot better than him.
  10. Not the best performance, but it's still an important three points. Emi superb yet again. Some nice spells of passing to, but I think we need more firepower up front especially with Ings gone.
  11. Think we've been riding our luck for much of this game, be nice to get a second. Going to be a nervous ten or more minutes.
  12. We just look rather toothless, especially up front. Selling Ings hasn't exactly helped us there.
  13. That was probably one of the worst games I've watched so far this season, just dull throughout.
  14. Still amazed Klopp as stuck with Jones for so long, he's so average.
  15. Stupid time wasting from Chelsea, sick to death of seeing this.
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