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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. I can see why Leicester are bottom, the defending is awful. Daly at it again, got to love her.
  2. Wooo! Needed that, Leicester looked threatening at times.
  3. 1-0 Villa, get in! Was a nervous start in defense. Dali with the goal.
  4. All over the place there, not a great start. Got away with one.
  5. Maguire is awful, and you'll never convince me otherwise.
  6. Introduced me to Italian football. Absolutely loved that show.
  7. What the hell happened to Italy? They've fallen off so hard.
  8. I'm so fed up with Southgate, I'll probably die of old age before England replace him.
  9. How the hell is Phillips in this England team?
  10. I just can't get particularly excited watching England with Southgate in charge. That said, Italy has been awful for so long that I could see them winning here.
  11. Cracking result, they've been so good this season. Love to see it.
  12. Watching the Sheffield United/Blackburn game. If I was defending nowadays, I'd chop my arms off. What are defenders meant to do with their arms with VAR? Absolute joke of a decision.
  13. I'd heard Milan was pretty poor this season, but their defending is atrocious.
  14. I think Wolves will count themselves lucky if they aren't involved in the relegation battle at the end of the season, they looked awful again today against Leeds.
  15. He's absolutely right though. Yes, he'll probably be fired but Spurs have never been a big club and have no right to call themselves one. The whole squad has been useless for years now, Kane should have left years ago and Levy is a large part of the problem. Conte will be fine, he'll find another job quickly.
  16. Unlucky for Ollie. As for Toney, the whole situation around him baffles me, he's already admitted to betting charges and will likely face a ban at some point, but Southgate still calls him up. Joke that. Still, less chance of Ollie getting injured and I don't care much for England these days.
  17. Juve just let a 2-0 lead slip in like two minutes at most. Some of the worst defending I've seen.
  18. Will be watching both games today, a double win would be awesome.
  19. I can't stand the BBC, but I also don't care much for Linekar. You'd think there wasn't another sports presenter on the planet who could replace him by the way the news is being reported. I haven't watched MOTD in years, mainly because I find the opinions of Gary, Alan, and co so dull.
  20. Massive win for Bournemouth, Liverpool was abysmal though.
  21. Just caught the penalty, what a miss that was.
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