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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. I should feel bad at laughing at that news, but screw him.
  2. Who cares what the French media are saying, I know I don't. Have faith in Sherwood.
  3. Not usually one to watch those YouTube highlight videos myself, but I'm liking what I see of Amavi. Seems like a lively yet hard hitting defender, some real sharp tackles in there... what I like to see. To be honest though, we could be bringing in Postman Pat and I'd be happy. Anything that's positive for the club.
  4. I agree, Delph is aware he needs to do some damage control and Richards is an easy target. I'm sure he asked him about City and its pretty clear Richards still loved City (for some reason) but to blame him for Delph's decision is wrong. He's an adult human being after all.
  5. I don't see us spending that much money either, suspect Lerner will play it safe again. My biggest concern might end up being if we can keep Sherwood as the season goes on, cause it doesn't look like he'll have much to work with.
  6. As to be Clark for me, can't think of anyone else worthy right now.
  7. Say what you will about Delph/Benteke leaving, they were two huge players for us last season and we barely stayed up. Even with solid replacements I still think we're looking at a relegation battle without Benteke's goals. Have to ask how much of this Sherwood would be willing to accept knowing the club can't hold onto their top players. City and the rest of the top four will always just throw money at everything to fix issues and weather you like it or not, a club like Villa are a feeder club to teams like that nowadays. We can't realistically compete, it's all about the cash. Even thinking positively I see nothing on the horizon to think otherwise regarding Villa, one as to even wonder how much cash Sherwood will be given out of the Benteke and Delph sales.
  8. Whatever happens, I can't help but laugh at the whole saga to be honest. I like Delph as a player, think he is a real talent on his day but this whole thing just makes me want to chuckle and move on.
  9. Your being to kind to sports journalists covering the transfer window. If we've learnt anything, its that sports journalists will grab at any piece of crap rumour/story they see floating around on the web.
  10. It's Sterling right? Looks like he's had his haircut, which looks a little weird on him to be honest.
  11. Jesus, is it me or as this year seen some of the worst football journalism in recent years. Some of the crap that's been written is behold believe. When I saw the headline on the BBC Sports site I thought "you've got to be kidding me" now we see the picture and seriously, my seven year old cousin could write better articles.
  12. This is so true, oh the good old days.
  13. Whilst I think Benteke could do better than Liverpool, I wish him the best and hope he doesn't follow the all to common path of a lot of Pool strikers in disappearing into nothingness, he's to talented to deserve that. How many strikers do Liverpool have at this point? A friend of mine (Pool fan) doesn't think he's worth it, I told him otherwise. Sad to see him go but thankful for the great performances he put in for us. All I care about now is who we bring in to replace him, we need some quality or I worry about our goalscoring abilities.
  14. As good as Delph as been for us at times, I don't think he's starting eleven for City so he must be going to be a backup. To be honest I'm not to bothered by it all, yes the loyalty crap he came up with makes him now look like a fool and other clubs will take note of that, but who cares. I'm left slightly puzzled considering City's history with these sorts of players, I can only think of Milner whose come out looking half decent. Whatever happens, Delph as moved mostly for the cash I imagine. I don't hold that against him, but I can't see it doing his England chances that much better unless he his playing week in week out.
  15. Big fan of both kits, but the away kit steals the show. Might be the first time in awhile I pick up an away kit. Love that they've matched the colours with the badge.
  16. Get given a stadium which is funded by tax payers and they put forward 16m. They sell Upton Park for 60m and use that to spend a lot of money whilst not being sanctioned for FFP. It is so wrong. I know right. Still, you got to admit its some smart business from West Ham.
  17. Whatever happens, I just hope that if the club isn't sold it isn't simply just brushed underneath the carpet without any comment from the club. If the club is possibly taken off the market they should let the fans know. It seems we're heading towards Plan B with Lerner possibly appointing a new man on top. It'll be interesting to see how that all develops.
  18. Is it weird that the thing that gets me more then Benteke leaving is the fact he could do so much better than Liverpool. That and it makes me laugh that Pool are willing to pay £35 Million for Andy Carroll yet won't pay £32 Million for an actual proven consistent goalscorer. I'm so sick of these sorts of transfer sagas every year, it's like the papers purposely target us as some sort of team to develop players for the top four teams. That NEEDS to change.
  19. Some folks theorise this might be us bringing in some players before any takeover announcements, when clubs will most likely hike up prices. A theory but one that makes quite a bit of sense when you think about it. Wasn't that an issue when Lerner took over, memory a little fuzzy but didn't we end up paying over the odds on a few players because clubs knew we had money to spend. Whatever it is, much more exciting than talking about some Championship defender we've never heard of.
  20. I liked Vlaar, he was the sort of defender I always appreciated but since having a decent World Cup he hasn't been anywhere near good enough. I know he's been linked to the likes of Man Utd but I don't see that, Sunderland would actually make sense. Delighted we got Richards in though, I was keen on us going in for him a few seasons back.
  21. Exciting signing, interesting to see how he settles into the team. Certainly the most exciting signing so far, more like it please Tim.
  22. Yellow away kit, I like the idea but if I remember correctly the old Yellow kit we had was an insect magnet in the summer. At least it was for me. I'm liking the home kit of what I've seen.
  23. Hi everyone, long time Villa fan that's been part of one or two different forums over the years and always ventured on here for the latest talk and gossip from time to time, thought it best to finally join in. Whilst it's pretty nervous times for us right now (potentially losing Benteke and the fact we've sold more players than we're bringing in) it's no doubt a fascinating time. Just wanted to say hello.
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