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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. Gardner chosen again, he's been hot garbage so far this season. Pretty weak midfielder, hope Gollini as a better game to.
  2. Just heard the news, in shock myself. Was just a youngster when I started watching Atkinson and that Villa team. Can't believe it.
  3. Love your optimism... but you're probably right.
  4. That all said, I bet Wednesday could name their price from Newcastle given the fact that they don't need/want to sell him and Newcastle's current state. Not sure I'd want that sort of attitude in my squad though. Guess he'd be perfect for Newcastle than.
  5. A dick or not, losing Forestieri is going to hurt Wednesday. They still have a solid squad but he was by far the best player for them against us. I know a Wednesday fan who continually sings his praises, didn't realise he was looking to leave the team.
  6. We'll face much tougher teams but we need confidence and wins like this will do that. Rudy sounded like a different player today, very impressed by what I kept hearing.
  7. First goal at Villa Park, that must feel great for him.
  8. That's more like it, lets keep going and get a few more.
  9. There's like a deep rooted curse/sickness within the Villa and it still hasn't gone away. Such a lack of guts from the players.
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