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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. Please sack him already, its clear he doesn't know what he's doing.
  2. We have some solid players, but a manager who doesn't know what the heck he's doing.
  3. I just want RDM to go at this point, anyone would be better than him.
  4. Those Ipswich players certainly fall down easily, the ref as been terrible.
  5. This as honestly been one of the worst games of football I've seen. I just want Tony to get rid of RDM, he's useless.
  6. Jesus christ, our keeper what was he doing there. He's no Messi.
  7. They're starting to dominate the game and gain confidence.
  8. Is that the second time they've fell in the box now, going to have to watch out for that.
  9. It's amazing how defensive teams are against us, feel like I've seen that at nearly every game so far. Makes sense, but coming from the Premiership it's strange.
  10. The goalkeeper would probably score against us right now.
  11. Anyone would be better than RDM right now. We have a decent squad, but one that keeps being hit around the head by some questions tactical decisions. Really hope Tony isn't a man of patience.
  12. I'd honestly take Steve Bruce instead of this fraud, the quicker we get rid the better. Hopefully we won't have to wait long.
  13. Honestly hope Tony sacks him, we need someone better in charge.
  14. I'm fairly convinced there's some money scheme behind the Villa, in no reality should a team keep letting leads like this go every game. A disgrace.
  15. I don't think I'd moan if Tony decided to let RDM go tomorrow, infuriating how we lay back for teams to attack us. It's pathetic.
  16. Seriously? Are we earning money from draws. Absolutely pathetic, should be ashamed of themselves. I'd laugh if it weren't so painful, what a useless set of players.
  17. Being positive and all, I still remain far from convinced by RDM.
  18. Gardner on, drink when he loses the ball.
  19. Right now this as draw written all over it, are Aston Villa in some sort of betting scheme for draws or defeats. I don't think I've seen a team switch off as much as the Villa do.
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