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Posts posted by PongRiddims

  1. as long as you have demand for drugs you have demand to control areas to distribute the drugs, therefore you have demand to control areas by the gun. drugs are not the entire problem but they are a big problem.

    There is pretty compelling evidence from around the world that legalising drugs removes a lot of crime. It also means more tax revenues and a cheaper, higher quality product. The savings to the NHS of not dealing with accidental overdoes and other health issues related to cutting would not be insignificant (and could be re-purposed to pay for drop in centres and similar). And the savings in police time....

    It'll never happen in this climate of "war on everything", regardless of the evidence.

    You get my vote you big hippy

  2. We had a WB installed recently, albeit by a friend of the family, and even with all labour costs it was little over £1k, it's not as expensive as you think.

    Might have to properly look into it. I was just going by the British Gas website which gives you an "estimate" (dunno how they work it out). But yeah it was like 3k +

    I'd guess most of it is for the fitting, it's certainly not a quick job and can be quite fiddly. I'm sure there's a friendly VT tradesman that might be able to help

  3. London is friggin awful. All you hear is stabbings. when i was in school if we had a problem we would have  fistfight and then 9/10 we would make up an hour later. These days kids are just insecure wimps thats why they carry knives. They do need to be tougher on those who are caught carrying knives. Make prisons as horrible as south africa then people would actually be scared to go there instead of the soft touch we have here.


    I herad on the radio the other day they were thinking of allowing in-mates access to tablets to help with "their education" what a bloody joke

    Aren't prisons meant to be about rehabilitation over punishment?

  4. Hardly conclusive but......

    Metropolitan police say knife crime up 18% in London

    Rising knife crime is being caused by a cocktail of a reduction in stop and search, increased sales on the dark web of weapons such as the foot-long “zombie knife”, and a burgeoning culture of youth violence, Scotland Yard police chiefs have said.

    Knife crime is up by at least 18%, after years of falling, and 10 youngsters have been stabbed to death in the capitalin the past nine months.


    Gun crime figures are harder to quantify from the look of it. Lots of articles saying it's on the rise but the last half-decent study seems 4 or 5 years out of date now.

    Any report like this fails to take into account the recording of the data. I'm not saying it's wrong, but I'd been keen to see what was classed as knife crime in 2014 and then again a year later.

    • Like 1
  5. On NYE I put a pork joint in the slow cooker, two bottles of cider, made a rub from paprika, chilli powder, few other spices, touch of bbq sauce, salt and pepper, cooked for 8 hours on low... Coming home pissed and walking into that almost made me jizz. Soft white buns (ooer) covered in lurpack, absolute heaven man, so cheap to make for the 5 of us too, shall be doing that again

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  6. Yeah mine's duff. NO matter how many times it gets fixed, something always goes wrong with it.

    It's annoying, because I don't want to sell this house. I want to keep it and rent it out when I move out, but I know it's going to cost me 3 grand or something stupid to replace the boiler when I do that because I couldn't rent it out with the current boiler

    We had a WB installed recently, albeit by a friend of the family, and even with all labour costs it was little over £1k, it's not as expensive as you think.

  7. On date 1 I had on Fierce by Abercrombie & Fitch. Date 2 I used Boss Orange.

    She's said they are both girly smelling and suggested something more "musk" smelling. Fahrenheit was her suggestion (bound to be what her ex has)

    Her text response time is now 6 hours and counting. Starting to think I should reactivate the Tinder profile. I'd rather be bombarded with pointless text garbage than have nothing at all.

    If you like someone's aftershave you tell them. If you don't, you say nothing, especially as she barely knows you.

    Sounds like she's going for the 'snarky' attitude that some women think is cool but just makes them look like words removed. 

    Mate don't listen to anyone that recommends Fahrenheit over Boss Orange, she's clearly a complete nut

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