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Everything posted by tinker

  1. I can't see this happening, he will revert to type. He's had a chance to be more expansive against Croatia and Italy and chose to stay defensive and nick a goal despite needing to score and us looking terrible (second half of both games).
  2. Of all the shit things that have happened in the last few years these getting countless billions to spend to lord it over the league would be the icing on the cake, dreadful. If it does happen I hope they all do one and join a super league.
  3. It's easy watching in a Stalone hard man type way. I will watch another episode ( out the corner of my eye )
  4. It was exceptional circumstances, COVID, was this the mitigation for bending the rules? The main problem with the immigration is the perception that public services are put under extra pressure. I know the NHS treat before being paid, so anyone that comes to the UK is covered for medical care (which I agree with in principle). This is a massive incentive, one we all take for granted growing up with free health care and cheap medication. The real problem is poor government policy, maybe medical care insurance should be a prerequisite for immigrants entering the UK? ( Unless they are refugees)
  5. Yea that could help, I believe none EU immigration was always a bigger problem in the eyes of Brexshitters
  6. How do you measure manure being a much bigger club than lpool? Seem pretty similar to me.
  7. It's going to be hard sell. The way I understand it is Free trade means free movement of labour and it also means we have to follow EU labour laws and a string of other laws.
  8. The only party that can't attack the current Brexit arrangement is the Tories, it's their deal. As it stands the Brexit deal appears to be adding further costs to imported goods. Until this "Brexit added inflation" is widely reported then remain voters will just hide behind "everyone's got higher costs, or it's Putin's fault not Brexits" The media are running scared of any anti Brexit reporting for fear of being labelled "moaning remainers" Ireland's in a mess and Scotland's started to kick off as well. Welcome to a Tory made hell.
  9. Do you really think.... that the majority of Russians are "murderers, thieves and general scumbags" ? Who's mentioned hugging anyone, only you. I'm guessing in your mind your right and everyone else is deluded.
  10. The only way this war stops is if the Russian people get rid of Putin. A war is being fought by Putin's propaganda machine , he's convinced the majority of Russians that they are fighting for their freedom in the Ukraine.
  11. Self build basis, are you planning to live in the house ?
  12. I can only judge it by people I know of and there are quite a few that play the system.
  13. I have seen this with the trades, plasterer's, brickies , plumbers and so on. But with engineering I have seen companies actively advertising roles abroad at lower rates. Doctors are being recruited from the sub continent ( it's a issue for these countries losing doctors they have trained up)
  14. Could be back after the group games well in time for the premier league kick off.
  15. The problem is we have a large amount of people at working age who can get by on welfare rather than work, which offers them no advantage with the minimum wage being so low. The only way to break this cycle ( in a welfare state) is to make it worth while for people to go to work by raising the minimum wage well above benefit payments. The EU have tried to stop this race to the bottom of working standards but our leaders seem hell bent on the UK being a low wage low skills economy. (Despite what they say) The bonfire of EU regulations they keep talking about will include the working time directive, holiday entitlements and paternity pay, time off to care for dependants and other such laws which get in the way of cheap labour. All these actions fly in face of a highly skilled labour force earning high wages, they aren't telling the people the truth. On the subject of low skilled workers being immigrants, this is also a fallacy, there are loads of doctors , engineers and highly skilled immigrants being brought into the UK who are also driving the wages down at the skilled end of the labour market.
  16. At 16 years old players have a long way to go, probably only 1 out of 100 get to their early potential. Jude started to show how good he can be today, after he scored. Before that he was quiet...... Second half , his awareness, finding space, pointing where he wants it, where he's playing it, dropping his shoulder , the turn of speed , weight of his passes..... exceptional for a 19 year old. Our other players started to give him the ball more and more, our best player....he's 19!
  17. I have seen his brother play, Jobe, he's a good player even at 17( he was 16 when I saw him) looked like their best player tbh.
  18. Bellingham, growing as the games goes on, starting to run the game..
  19. tinker

    Unai Emery

    Cash's interview was published on YouTube 2 weeks ago, probably filmed a week before that date.
  20. Usyk would have a 12 cm height advantage over Tyson, he's now considered a cruiser weight.... That era was great and I loved watching it at the time but time moves on. Wilder Fury was ,imo a better fight than any of those match ups in the golden era, Tyson , Bruno, Holyfield and Lewis. Joyce Parker as well, fantastic fight. Remind me of a fight in that era that was as good?
  21. Usyk? Bruno.....no chance at all, anyone of today's heavy weights would be all over him imho. I'm not arguing who's better , as you can't compare, to much has changed. But just on the size advantage, todays fighters are huge.
  22. It's not that there ain't great heavyweights now it's just they ain't willing to fight each other , to busy building their purses and tbh I can't blame them. Joyce is the classic example, any fight he's in is going to be dynamite because he won't back down and he's willing to take a shot to land one. The fact he's not fighting one of the poster boys is an example on how boxing is being run.
  23. No one knew what they was really voting for other than some buzz words spouted by Brexit backers , they should be held to account especially Boris who has semi deystroyed this country with his lies and misinformation. I don't blame anyone, on fact I admire them if they are the courage to say "I was wrong, I was conned"
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