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Everything posted by tinker

  1. Leaving NRC out was his biggest mistake today, why did he do it?
  2. Fits in well with the last 20 years!
  3. What has RL done to make us blame him? Its tactics that are the problem IMO.
  4. Not to sure his buys have been that bad to be honest, think who he has sold is more of a problem. MON problem seems to stem from stubbornness, it would be interesting to know how he is regarded by the people who know him "Is he stubborn?" We have two away games up next, will he revert to a 4-5-1 formation or stick with gabby and Heskey up front? It seems obvious to me that Sidwell and NRC are needed in the middle, will he see it? The defense is being over run because the midfielder's are not tracking back. We need to get back to walking then we can start to run, lets not loose rather than going all out for a win. I have voted stay and I think he will for at least this season, if its a bad one then I think he is the sort to offer RL his resignation. At this time though we should take a look at Newcastle to remind us what happens when the fans have to much say in the way a club is run.
  5. Expecting a few high scoring matches this season! Confident on our goal scoring ability but equally not confident about our ability to defend, especially if we loose either Carlos or Curtis. Over 4 goals today is the bet I would take. If we do stay as we are (no signings) then I reckon about 10th. UTV
  6. More pressure on him to perform now, if im honest i still like the guy but just feel he has made the wrong decision going into Man City the year before the world cup. The press will turn on him after a few bad performances and the dutch lad De Long? had a good game, would you drop him for Barry?
  7. It was the weak board that let the fans dictate that are the problem, they should have stuck by Big Sam while he rebuilt the team. It was never going to be any easy ride though as the amount of free loaders they had built up was staggering, but big Sam would be one of the only managers with the bollox to sort it. I do not get any pleasure from seeing this club in the the state they are in and its highlighted the problem with some of these rich owners. Newcastle and the area have develpoed some of the most gifted English football players I have had the pleasure to watch (and support, when they have an England shirt on). This reason alone is enough for me to feel sorry at the state that they are in. IMO they need to go back to developing their youth set up and bring players through, forget the buying success, it ain't gonna work. Plus get a board who will say bollox to the fans, how about Doug Ellis? :eek:
  8. Solihull has a population around that figure. My point is we have a much larger catchment area (population). Thats why RL brought us, we have untapped potential. Newcastle have a bigger draw in their area.
  9. All IMO. As we stand now thats our defense! I had hoped a new start would be great, but it looks like the same old problems. At least MON has now been reminded. I do wish Carlos was given a chance to play with either Zak or Curtis in the CD role. (I know its only a friendly BTW)
  10. Perhaps they want to change their name to.....
  11. Some F***a has been on this board and pinched my theory :winkold:
  12. Problem is the fans have had to much say in what goes on at the club. Big Sam should have been given a real chance, not just sacked on the more vocal fans say. Fanatics do not always have the best judgement.
  13. Just watching the price of imported goods rising very quickly. Items we could all afford last year will be out of our reach, its going to get very tough in the UK before it gets any better. IMO
  14. Think this sums it all up quite well, especially the "money into money to get more money" bit. The dream continues, for some.
  15. If we let all the industries go to the wall what will we trade with the world for our imports? The banking system is shot and a new world player will take our place in the banking world, IMO. For far to long this country has let industry go to the wall while countries like the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, China and most of Asia have both built and supported theirs. This recession will drag on for us and the pound will loose a lot more value against foreign currencies if this attitude continues. We will have to dig up the old mines and reestablish our industries if we are to build this country up again. The banks have cost us more than any industry in history and to trust them with our future again is a big mistake, all strictly IMO.
  16. Gross misconduct, he should have been sacked and forfeited his pension, as most employees in 'normal jobs' would be.
  17. Typical, who will benefit from it? The share holders/ government. Quite a few business are using this credit crunch to destroy employees terms and conditions and you should check yours. Just because 'the management' have made a mess, it does not mean contract law has been suspended, despite all the fuss thats being made. To change any terms they need to get the nod from the employees or their representatives. Rant over
  18. The Great Outdoors, classic comedy, I agree slumdog is a good film, different from the usual story lines, Taken is a good action film, but my award goes to Clubbed a great film.
  19. But instead we have used all the money to re-create a badly run peoples bank and let the well run business go to the wall.
  20. Globalisation IMO Innovation is the key. Its the one thing that made Great Britain great, but its now missing. We will not even support our own industries, let alone fund innovation. Lets riot :wink:
  21. IMHO Housing market was over hyped by greedy bankers, greedy house owners and stupid purchasers. When the average UK wage is around £30,000, How can a basic 3 bed semi be worth £200,000? over 6 x the average wage, the market was always liable to fail. The housing boom was fed by greedy bankers willing to lend high risk loans that had no relationship to the borrowers ability or means to pay back the money outside of perfect market conditions. The banks/ Surveyors should never have valued properties at such high values. Mortgages would not have been given and then house prices would have remained at a sensible sustainable level. But greed from all corners kicked in. The banks made money on the massive mortgages and the house holder made money from inflated prices. Just like a massive ponzi scheme. The real worry is the people who are now waiting/ encouraging the market to regain its strength and the prices start to increase, before they sell. Should be a very long wait but I have my doubts and suspect the government have become accustomed to the over inflated housing market generating massive amounts of revenue. Have a nice day and UTV (on a brighter note, Heskey 'will' score tonight)
  22. So the highest risk bonds are now government backed, do you think these will now be traded/sold on? Sounds very much like it's all starting again.IMO
  23. No he should not play for england, he is a crap player and others like jenas should get their chance............
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