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Everything posted by tinker

  1. Is that taking inflation into account? The pound in my pocket is worth about 10% less so I'm guessing house prices are as well.
  2. Parkers no mug, my bet is he will stick 5 in the middle and try and dictate the game from the middle of the park. Meaning a forward players become isolated. I would start with Beundia Watkins and Bailey up front , dropping Coutinho.
  3. We just need to see an improvement on last season both in results and the style of play. If we don't then questions have to be asked. We can't and shouldn't be a proving ground for any managers ideas, we are at the top table and we should have a top table manager. I hope it's Gerrard, we are about to find out over the next season if it's going to work.
  4. tinker

    The Balkans

    Maybe I over played it but this conflict definitely benefits Russia and their very able when it comes it comes to manipulation.
  5. tinker

    The Balkans

    Well this would play straight into Russia's hands , they could stick a peace keeping force right in the middle of it all if NATO don't get involved and then fuel the war with weapons. I would not be the slightest bit surprised if the increased friction was caused by Russia and its agents either on the ground or on social media .
  6. If we could have brought another more experienced midfielder then I would be happier , we were rumoured to be in for a couple that went elsewhere but I do wonder if there were any more available. Not to say I don't think he's a good player because he does appear to have the makings of one and maybe one of our youngsters can break through, so much of our season depends upon the midfield and its ball retention and defensive cover, in Gerrard's system, that it's a big gamble. I don't see Nakamba as being good enough, even as a squad player. Having such great forward players that can't all play is also going to be an issue for Gerrard especially if the midfield doesn't immediately hit the ground running and we have to play 4 in there. Can't wait for Saturday to see what we're going to look like , I have high hopes but some concerns. UTV
  7. He's not going to be judged on just the Bournemouth result , but it will be an early indication on how it's going to go. He has put alot of faith in our new players hitting the ground running and for me it's a risky way to go. I think he will drop Ming's and can't see Beundia starting either, not sure about the midfield but Kamara will start and McGinn. I hope Gomez doesn't get too excited as Bournemouth will target him and try and draw fouls. I think we will win and this should give Gerrard the grounding to push on, I have had my doubts but he's impressed me with the captain change. If we are bottom half after 10 games and we are still sticking to the full backs being high up the pitch then questions should be asked. Until then he has my backing.
  8. What a disastrous signing for him, put his development back 2 seasons at least. £20m a fair price for a player that age. Good luck to the lad, he's going to need it .
  9. tinker

    Energy Bills

    I didn't, more 7.5tn than the UK but not a great deal of traffic at all tbh.
  10. We lost against Watford last season, in style. Over the season our quality should show. There's plenty of teams that look weaker than us ..........
  11. tinker

    Energy Bills

    I know , but their roads are far better than ours , drove for hours on roads , that aren't toll and they are unbelievable smooth. They must have twice as many as us as well being a far bigger country.
  12. It's my biggest worry with Gerrard, if he doesn't start him it's only a matter of time before Beundia throws a wobbly and from the game time I have seen him have Beundia would be entitled to as well. In some games he's been our MOTM and he's only played the last 20 minutes!
  13. tinker

    Energy Bills

    Guess we're charging more tax on ours to pay for the roads.........When you compare France to us it begs the question on whats going on , similar sized economies yet every part of their infrastructure seems to be an improvement on ours, especially the roads. Would love to see a Michael Moore type documentary comparing both countries, public services, tax revenues and infrastructure, just to see where they are cutting the corners or why are we getting less value for our taxes.
  14. He's a highly paid championship player who shoots at any opportunity, hence the goals he scores. Can't believe he's the only dedicated left winger we have at the club.
  15. tinker

    Energy Bills

    Just filled up in France, diesel. €1.772 a litre.
  16. I like that fact he's saw an issue and dealt with it despite it being a hard decision to make and one he could have skirted around.
  17. It's my understanding that the RMT isn't associated with any political party. We're all going to see things as we want to. I see a glimmer of hope for a push back against the growing gap between the rich and the poor and it appears to be coming from unions. I also see a sense of awareness from the likes of Martin Lewis whos also speaks sense and is very media aware. Labour should be at least vocal about profits being fed down to the lower paid through pay deals.
  18. I know, I'm not impressed, so far it's been underwhelming. However Gerrard obviously has ideas on how to change us and he isn't bothered about upsetting the status quo to do it, Ming's is a big personality at Villa and it's a big move from Gerrard. Ming's..... a towering center back who is verbal and all in 100% committed. .....He can also be rash, gung ho , he over commits and gets drawn into battles he shouldn't be. I have also watched him shouting for others to cover when he goes wondering around the pitch, calling them out of their positions. I love him as a player but see his limitations, I think Gerrard does as well and him being dropped as Captain makes it easier for him to be tested. I think we will see Konsa and Carlos as a CB pairing. As for McGinn, on reflection Im not so sure he's secure in his midfield role, I think Gerrard will drop him if he thinks it will improve us, we have Martinez as the vice captain and how can McGinn feel hard done by after replacing Ming's as Captain, he can't ?
  19. It's not his job to comment on other unions members pay deals and he's dodged the question well.If he did answer it the press would pull him apart as well as the Union for NHS workers. Hes clear and concise and his message is simple and easy to understand, the press have continued to try find an angle to attack him at any opportunity but they have failed , the Tories are running scared of him and his message because they can't argue against it inflation is not rising because of high wages for the lower paid, the rich have never been richer and the poor have never been poorer. Starmer is dormant , hes hoping to get elected by voters going against the Tory's. It's probably a tactical move from his team but they do not seem to be judging the crisis that's starting to unfold. He needs to say what he stands for and stick to it, not say one thing and do another.
  20. It's going to come to a head before he even gets chance. Whoever gets power ( of the Tories) is going to push through new labour laws on strikes, it's going to make it harder for workers to withdraw their labour in protest at poor conditions or a lack of pay. It's my guess that by the time this happens there will be enough public support for higher wages to cover inflation that the whole thing will blow up and Starmers lack of a clear mandate on unions will back fire, the Tories will rip him and Labour apart and leave the workers of this country , the PAYE ones , in the shit.
  21. I'm not sure of the politics of Mick but what he's saying is hitting the nail on the head for many working people , Labour supporters. Starmers missed the boat here, he's misjudged the mood of what's going on. He should have stayed neutral. Labour stands for nothing.
  22. Maybe, harsh on Ramsey, Louis is going though or he's not signing a new contract. Gerrard has shown he ain't bothered about upsetting players if he thinks it will get him results.
  23. Ming's had some really poor games last season, he lacks concentration. McGinn performed better than Ming's over the season. Gerrard has now shown he's going to be brutal in his search for consistency. It's a big risk but I'm impressed tbh.
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