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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Stopped at Wood Norton for some training. Great place. Particularly like the 'secret nuclear bunker' signs they have there.
  2. I also remember when we had an all hands meeting at the Mailbox and they were talking about shutting down all the TV production in Birmingham. A big boss lady explained how they wanted to reduce the number of production centres in the country and they'd decided to shut down Birmingham's TV production teams. A lot of the TV people were to be scattered to places like Bristol and Cardiff. Somebody asked why if they wanted to consolidate TV production they only seemed to be shutting one of seven major production sites and boss lady said something like, "well six is less than seven isn't it?"
  3. I was at the BBC in Brum when the Salford thing happened. They basically gutted the operations in the Midlands and set up a mini London in Manchester. The Salford thing basically reduced the BBC presence in the wider regions rather than increasing it, and meant that the Midlands in particular ended up by far with the worst ratio of benefit-to-cost ratio of the licence fee. And every now and again they send some relatively minor department to Brum and claim they are expanding. It is and will be nowhere near what it was during the Pebble Mill heydays even when they move to the tea factory in Digbeth.
  4. Then doesn't his company have an obligation to fulfil the contract even if he himself is unable to? Edit: thinking about it, this makes no sense because it's the BBC that decided he couldn't work for them anyway.
  5. Well now, I enjoyed that episode of Picard. The main plot was a bit predictable and hackneyed (particularly the really obvious way the Titan escaped the threat) but overall it actually felt like I was watching Star Trek. Was it perfect? No. Did it still have some of the annoying nu-trek aspect? Yes. Was it a storytelling masterpiece? No. BUT it was enjoyable, the characters were to the fore and in general it made me feel good watching it. Let's hope the series can improve even further.
  6. It annoys me that they a behind a paywall but the Financial Times seems to be pretty balanced. I do wish there was a mainstream paper that just reported news factually without any kind of political spin. The Independent sort of used to be that but not any more. And I used to believe the BBC was (to a reasonable degree anyway) but certainly not in the last decade or so.
  7. The Guardian really needs to stop this kind of rubbish. I find it harder and harder to take them seriously.
  8. Maybe it's still better value if you buy well in advance or something. That does sound more like the prices I remember.
  9. I always used to take the Chiltern service from Moor Street to Marylebone. Sadly that too has gone up in price now so as to make it less worth taking.
  10. Oh man, you mean I have to wait 25 years for a half-built rail system that doesn't actually manage to reach its destination?
  11. Wurzels. Is that even a serious question?
  12. Sounds like we can delete Manchester entirely, so I'm all for this plan.
  13. I notice he's mentioned a couple times about Twitter needing a complete rewrite. As a software developer, I know that a) it probably does (all software does) and b) it would be a complete nightmare to even embark on it and it will not take the three months or whatever figure he has in his head
  14. It's appalling. Since Musk took over it has become worse and worse.
  15. I'm so confused... I have no idea any more what was it wasn't actually happening during the pandemic now.
  16. Ocon lol. Ferrari lol. Alonso wow. Honestly, if you could remove the red bulls from the race it was actually pretty good. Alonso was incredible, Ocon provided the comedy and Ferrari were Ferrari.
  17. Just caught up on the first episode of Mando S3. Pretty nothing really. Couple of decent action sequences, some awful comedy pirate dialogue, that was about it. Didn't really advance the story much or do anything really.
  18. Wow, every single club has at least one vote...
  19. Now that the team have got a couple of wins on the board since the run of games that they were shaky in/were expected to lose, and have proven that they aren't going to collapse mentally (see previous years such as the O'Neill Stoke game or the Sherwood Leicester game) it's clear that there is zero chance of getting sucked down into the fight below. A big two wins IMO. I have no concerns about this season at all now. I mean, I don't expect anything more than a completely mid-table finish, but that's great compared to where we were under Gerrard.
  20. Oh I know, it's just hilarious how much it will make stuff up if it isn't in the model. I understand the mechanisms behind it and what its limitations are. I've tried to get it to write Azure B2C custom policy XML templates and it produces stuff that looks entirely plausible but in fact is totally invalid and in fact fictional because there isn't enough data that it's trained on in that area. It is incredibly impressive though. I just don't know how much deeper it can get, even with increased training sets. It'll never get beyond the fact that it has no inherent "understanding" as it currently is.
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