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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. I would also add Restaurant VMF to the list, which I loved to bits. Randy did some great stuff before the fall from grace, and I haven't forgotten that. But I think Tony has the potential to be a Villa legend for many a year to come. I just hope he can see it through in the long term unlike Randy. And as an aside, I would love it if he could reinstate VMF, it was great, something unique and something the club could be genuinely proud of.
  2. Yep big change. I also liked the old pukka pies. The new ones are less flaky pastry and a bit more like shortcrust, and the balti contents were more tomato-ey than previously and perhaps a tad spicier. I liked it a lot actually, but it was harder to eat due to the nature of the pastry. Others may not like the change and I could understand that. I also highly approve of the presence of Green King IPA but I didn't buy a bottle and at £4 I'm not sure I will be buying a lot.
  3. Ooh forgot to mention: new pies! From a company called Phat. I had the balti one, and very nice it was too. 9/10 I would say, although the pastry was a bit too thick for those flimsy plastic forks.
  4. Good point, although don't remember it being quite like this!
  5. He totally owned the stadium (literally and figuratively I suppose) when he was announced before kickoff and came onto the pitch. Got a standing ovation. He is like our very own rock star. It is clear that the fans love him - lost count of the amount of Tony songs sung today. Surely no owner has ever had such a reception.
  6. Yep, did well, especially when you consider he hadn't played with this team before. Much more confidence in the Chester/Elphick partnership than any we've had at CB in year.
  7. He was great today. Was effectively playing as our most forward player for large parts of the second half. Made lots of runs off the ball, made himself available at every opportunity, was a nuisance and a pest. Much less of his play-it-safe passing back as well, especially once we got the lead. His shooting is still terrible though - scuffs it every time.
  8. Just back. Terrific atmosphere. Tony came onto the pitch like a rock star and was sung about all game. The new players looked good. After a shaky start everybody seemed to settle down and grow in confidence. Tshibola started to find his feet a bit - still a bit raw but some very good work at times. Gestede - what happened to him? He was excellent, two cracking goals and some top notch defending at set pieces. And the there was Jack - once we got the lead he seemed to suddenly be let off the leash and was leading the line for us at times. He made some brilliant attacking runs, was a pest, passed backwards much less than we were used to. His shooting is still pretty terrible, but his goal was fantastic (even though I though he was going to bypass the goal entirely without shooting). A much improved performance. Yes, it was Rotherham. But we needed a good win, especially after the Luton shambles. And our new defence definitely provided a basis for us to build on. Fingers crossed this is a turning point for us.
  9. Both the BBC and Sky reported that James Chester could not play this weekend. Yet both Wyness and the official club feed have stated that he can because he was registered in time. Can anybody explain to me what the point of our media is these days? At least Dr Tony seems to be on a one-man mission to expose every made-up story they concoct.
  10. No. I am still fuming at that. There was no need for us to be humiliated in the Luton game. Moving Richards to CB and making him captain was the fundamental error in that game, and literally anybody who had seen any of last season (which the management presumably didn't bother to do) would have known what a ridiculous idea this was. RDM screwed up massively and I worry in case he still hasn't clocked this and goes and plays him again today, you know, just to 'give him another chance' or something. Dr Tony, if you are reading this please please please make sure that RDM doesn't do something this stupid again. If we are short of central defenders, go and raid our youth team. Or recall Easah. Or anything other than Richards.
  11. Why ever would you use *this* game to try out whether our useless players have suddenly become miraculously not useless? Crazy decision...
  12. Perhaps 'support' was the wrong word, but any real belief I had in him has pretty much been eroded away today. I cannot understand what he was thinking or why he thinks that the players most to blame for last season deserve another shot. They clearly don't. If he was the correct manager for us he would have seen this before today.
  13. I was all for givong him time to turn things aeound, but after tonight he's lost my support. He has had more than enough time to review the situation and study last year in depth. And yet *still* he plays Richards at CB and makes him Captain. That cannot be the action of a man who put enough effort in to studying the squad and players, surely? Not good enough. Not even close. You are going to have to do a lot to regain my support now Roberto. A lot.
  14. If you've started the Alison Brie photos again...
  15. You keep on putting the media in their place Tony! Their job is to tell us the news, not make stuff up. I am really pleased to see somebody in your position prepared to stand up to them.
  16. No, I don't want any baby-eating bishops anywhere near our team.
  17. So, saw two sides to him tonight. On the one hand he is quick and good on the ball and has a good eye for goal. On the other, he doesn't seem to have a good awareness of other players and often failed to see the right pass. Talented but frustrating.
  18. Yeah I am at the game and he is pretty much running our entire attack. Everything is going through him.
  19. What has got him so upset that he is now asking Villa fans to boo somebody, even though nobody knows who or why?
  20. Seems like a marked difference between first and second half performances. I guess RDM will be learning a lot here.
  21. No contract for Petrov according to the avfc twitter. Presumably no more friendlies for him either?
  22. I suspect he spent all his money ON the table
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