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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. I would like to write a script that blocks any post in transfer threads proposing the return of old players. It would improve my browsing greatly.
  2. Will be happy with a point here. Especially if Jack doesn't make it - and best not to risk him if he's not
  3. Jack'll get his chance. But if this means he has to impress even more for us plus doesn't get injured on international duty then that's OK with me.
  4. Hopefully they'll be complacent and think the result is a given. Don't ship an early goal - go at them full on from the start and who knows. Jack magic and SJM back on form please.
  5. Even only 4 wins would still see us on 23 after 20 games. In perfectly decent form to survive - even though that would mean a run of losses. 5 or 6 wins should be achievable, though there are bound to be shitty results along the way as well. Add maybe the odd draw here or there and it will hopefully be looking OK going into the second half of the season.
  6. Agree with Douglas for Conor in this game. Think we'll hold out for 60, but class will tell - 3-1. But it's a free hit so I really hope we give it a go and don't just sit back.
  7. I think that exactly the problem. He was played as a defensive midfielder and was a bit shit. Whenever he's played further forward he has delivered. For me h'es still in credit this season.
  8. Sounds like maybe he had some dodgy backers. Think it might turn out that he has been disappeared.
  9. Haven't seen him playing this season, but Benrahma's stats look a bit shit. I know he was coming back from injury, but we're in a position to set our sights a bit higher now I hope.
  10. Ha. We won't be bringing in 2 wingers in Jan. We have 3 for one spot as it is.
  11. Confident neither he will want, nor the club need to let him move in Jan. Hopefully we will be in a reasonably safe position by then. What happens in the summer depends on where we finish IMO. Go down and he'll be gone. Scrape survival and it'll be touch and go - depends who comes in for him and where they are - but i'd think only one of the very big clubs would tempt him and if it's Utd, they would need to have turned their season round. Finish around mid-table and I think he'd stay.
  12. If you value a cup win over PL survival, sure - that makes sense. I don't. Otherwise there is a) an equal chance of getting injured in cup / league games, so why risk key players in the cup (which we have limited so far), and b) the 2nd string have the same opportunity to prove themselves in the League cup, which is now meeting PL sides anyway, and c) if we will 'definitely' rest players at some point, make it the cup games. A cup would be great, but it's a pretty slim chance and IMO shouldn't distract from getting points in the league. YMMV.
  13. Nope. Rest them in the cup games. Focus needs to be on survival in the league this year. Maybe reconsider later in the season if the situation is different, but it's far too early (after 8 games and 2 international breaks) to start resting first choices in the league.
  14. U mad bro? We shouldn't and won't rest players against either of these. Throwing away the chance of any points in a league game is a ridiculous idea. We'll go in hoping to win. There will be plenty more upsets for City and Liverpool through the season and there is no reason why we can't pull one off.
  15. Agree it's highly unlikely. Spurs away next, Bournemouth (h), Everton (a) - 6 pointer!, Chelsea (h). They could be in deep shit by then.
  16. For me, the current bottom 8 will be the one's fighting the relegation spots. Hard to call who will go down - Watford might yet 'do a Palace' and recover. Everton look to have a stink about them, but might have enough quality. Newcastle & Southampton are weak. Ideally we pull away a bit and settle into the Wolves/Burnley/Palace/West Ham/Man Utd (lol) section. Won't really know till Jan how it shakes out.
  17. We'd certainly be up there. I'd definitely fancy top 2, but doubt we'd run away with it - it's just too unpredictable. As with how we finish this season, it depends how the squad continues to develop, injuries etc.
  18. Soooooooooooooooooo long to wait.
  19. We look so much better at set pieces with CH in the team. My feeling is the 'going missing' games were far more when he was playing as a DM which isn't his best position. With Marvelous in there I think we'll continue to see the best of Conor. If Douglas can push him out then we really will be in a good place. Maybe they'll rotate on a horses-for-courses basis, but I can see Conor hitting double figures for assists and chipping in with 5/6 goals.
  20. Good to see Jack featuring in most of the teams of the week. A few weeks ago I thought he was still a way behind Maddison, but if he continues these kind of performances in this role, he's going to go past him soon. Will be fascinating to see how he performs against City and Liverpool when we're under a lot more pressure.
  21. Wesley's on track to hit high teens - that is very good for the PL for a club in our position. For the last few seasons there have only been 4 forwards who hit 20+, who are exceptional and (apart from Vardy) unsurprisingly all play for the top clubs. We also have plenty of goals in midfield. I think if we carry on like this a Jan signing might be on, but only if the right target is available at the right price. I could see Edouard be a possibility. Similarly, if we continue with only one winger + Jack, I doubt we'd be shopping for another wide man in Jan.
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