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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. How much motivation can you muster when you've nothing to play for, might be eyeing up a move & avoid injury etc. Good opportunity for us to put the pressure on.
  2. There's nothing between West Ham and Watford in form, but it would be a big boost is West Ham can win and get safety. Beat Everton and the pressure will be growing on the others. 538 gives us 15% chance of survival - insert *jimcarrrey.gif*
  3. Good result. Could have used the third goal to help nibble away at the gd, but having been resigned to the drop can just see a chink of light. Everton might just be a must-win cup final.
  4. Does really feel like the last chance saloon. I know everyone else around us is also shite, so mathematically survival will be possible, but 3 points would be so, so sweet at this point.
  5. Erm - attacking bench? Let's hope we don't get any injuries in defence. Doesn't fill me with hope for a clean sheet - another 'we'll score more than you' team.
  6. I've not been keeping up - what are the rule changes? Couple more subs or something...
  7. Can't speculate on the line up. I think it will be largely based on who's head is in the right space and their fitness. I'm sure there will be some players raring to go and some not so keen. And if you had thought the season was over you might not have kept full fitness. Please win. I've got a virtual parents evening on and off throughout the match so it's going to be painful keeping up.
  8. Don't stress it. The hope'll be dashed again soon enough.
  9. Glad this is taking my mind off brexit day. OMG we'Ve gOt no stRIker bAck up! We nEed bOdiEs in. OMG noT hIm, He's sHite. Great work, lads.
  10. I actually agree with you. We fell from a much greater height, so while not statistically the worst side ever, ours was a 'worse' relegation. (Though Sunderland have stunk the place out quite a few times.)
  11. 3rd worst! Derby and Sunderland were worse.
  12. I agree. I think Samatta was to provide competition to Wes - not to be a new first choice. I think our interest in Giroud and Slimani was genuine, but things haven't dropped into place for those. You never know, there may be a last minute loan, but probably further down our list.
  13. Erm...you? I'm not being precious, just saying that if we are buying players to sell on at a profit they have to develop and that takes time. IMO it is too soon to say that none of the summer signings will be sold at a profit in a couple of years. Not saying they will necessarily have the same trajectory, but see Traore for details.
  14. Maybe give them a bit longer than half a season before you write them off. As you say, the point is that they develop into better players we can sell in 2-3 years - they aren't there when we buy them. So you have to allow that development over time. Now ideally we would do that with a couple at a time, not most of a squad, but we were where we were. There are already signs most of our summer signings are improving as they settle. Let's see how they look by the end of the season before judging.
  15. Fair enough - I completely agree. Hopefully DD's inclusion is pushing Luiz to give it a bit more and the whole squad benefits from a bit more competition.
  16. Any MORE business. We've brought in more than any other club - Reina, Drinkwater, Samatta (and Barry).
  17. Could do with West Ham getting dicked by Liverpool tonight for goal difference, then drawing with Brighton on Saturday. Going into Bournemouth game with some confidence and swagger, let's start to open a gap please.
  18. villamole fella claiming he made it up to feed to JimmyMcCann etc. Who knows what to believe other than it's 99% bollocks out there.
  19. rubberman

    Louie Barry

    Interesting to see how the bluenoses have brought through Bellingham. Already being talked about £20m for him at the same age. Hope we are careful with Louie, but also give him the chances. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/11914861/jude-bellingham-to-manchester-united-birmingham-teenager-is-a-special-talent
  20. Indeed. Shame we have shipped the 2nd most.
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