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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. Imagine if we could do a 'London bridge' with Jota.
  2. Anyone know how many of the 1125 pages have been taken up purely by Mr Williams?
  3. Just as in the great circle of life, so the transfers thread comes back to Tammy speculation after 1100+ pages. Must be almost Milner time?
  4. OK - I'll take that at this point. But we really should be looking to improve on that next season.
  5. That's looking a pretty tasty draw. Hope we're going OK in the league (eventually) so we can give this a go.
  6. Should field pretty much the first team for this IMO. Interesting to see if Jack plays in the middle or on the left though.
  7. Fantastic news. Huge statement of intent. Gonna be an exciting next few years.
  8. Eh? Then why isn't he costing far less and how can you possibly know this? If they were willing to let him go for say £10m, there's no way we would be paying £20m.
  9. I have to agree. In my perfect world Jack would stay left and we would be bringing in an upgrade on Conor to beef up the midfield. With Jack, John and Doug behind 3 forwards it looks really exciting going forward, but also rather too lightweight defensively.
  10. Seems surprisingly good business for Palace.
  11. It seems we've entered the mad-exciting and hopes-raised phase of the window. And I'm all for it.
  12. Let's hope his worth ethic is slightly better!
  13. Bottom half will be really tight I reckon. We need to get a few more points against the top 6 and not have any ridiculous doubles against us from the bunch around us this season to keep out of the relegation zone. First half of the season will be make or break looking at fixtures - looks tougher after Christmas. As things stand somewhere around 14th/15th I'd expect. Fulham, Baggies, Palace and Brighton to duke it out for the drop.
  14. Agree there's nothing wrong with signing foreign players, but in a condensed window, signing players who don't have to move countries, learn the language, uproot their families - essentially settle - is probably worth the extra cost. No guarantees, but it lessens the risk.
  15. has anyone seen RicRic and rayk in the same room?
  16. Get someone in > Pay whatever it takes > How much? > You mad, bro? He's not worth it. Rinse and repeat....
  17. Anyone who logs into this thread in the morning is going to crap themselves trying to work out who we signed overnight.
  18. They won't be able to hang them out they'll be so wet judging by this thread.
  19. He's 6 years younger than Heaton. Back up/challenge for starting for a year and then first choice for the next 3 or 4. Makes sense to me.
  20. Speculation - we're after a few from the championship (Watkins, Benrhama, maybe others) and because of the stupid extra period after the main window slams shut, clubs there (Brentford) are sticking extra big prices on players knowing that once no-one can buy from Europe they'll have a feeding frenzy for 10 days when everyone (us) is desperate.
  21. You seem to have a really good knowledge of what's going on. Do you work for Villa? Any itk you can give us?
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