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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. Busy, tight-packed season. Cup runs. Proper bench impact. Plenty of opportunities to keep everyone happy IMO
  2. Ah - remember a few weeks ago when we didn't have any money, couldn't attract any quality players, were owned by frauds with a useless recruitment and management team who were sitting around on their arses doing nothing. Good times.
  3. Someone like Brewster as a back up strike is probably most likely as the final addition now. But would be amazing if there's one more big buy in the tank.
  4. A couple of thoughts. First, we look like we are coming out of the blocks and starting really fast in games. We did this to an extent last season, but then weren't able to close out games and protect leads. Think we gave away the most points from winning positions. The inclination to sit deep is still there a bit, but with Watkins and a better bench we are able to keep the ball in better positions for longer into a game. If we can continue this we'll have a good season. Second, we are a work in progress team. Not everyone will be on their game every match - inconsistency is a given with the payers we can mostly afford. If/when we get a game where everyone clicks we'll beat anyone on the day, but realistically most of the time we'll have the odd mistake/below par game and that's when we'll struggle. In some ways the shorter break might have helped keep the improvements post-lockdown going and the fewer off days we have the better this season will be.
  5. I have screenshot the table and saved it as my wallpaper. Excellent.
  6. Yes, this ^. I had hoped for 1 proper exciting marquee signing, but the new deals + solid improvement is maybe more realistic for where we are as a club. Having Ramsey break through would also be a bonus. And while there is inevitably a lack of depth throughout the squad, having a season with more consistency within the team and not having to integrate 8-9 players especially with the short closed season will be an added benefit.
  7. Not 4-1? Who are you and what have you done with Robtaylor200?
  8. 2-0 the Villa. Watkins and Bert. Maintain being the only side to not concede a goal this season. Would also take us to 5th - nosebleed terrritory! Bur really need to keep playing to the final whistle and avoid one of these 90+ minute hand-ball penalty decisions that seem to be all the rage. (Unless it's to us).
  9. Lol. We haven't bought Traore as cover/back-up. I think your plans are a season or two ahead of where we are.
  10. One more buy, one more loan I reckon. CM and back up forward or LW. But it seems Dean might feel with Davis and Ramsey we are just about OK.
  11. Christ. I wish the Rashica thread was open so all this crap could go in there.
  12. I think there will be a flurry of extra movers from the championship after the main window closes and clubs might not have got their targets.
  13. Would be an amazing window, but I think we might be a bit top heavy with all of them.
  14. Sarr, Barkley and Brewster would be an excellent end to the window. I'd be well happy with our business.
  15. A loan of a better player than we have and better than is available for what we can afford/attract makes complete sense. Obv options to buy is preferable, but even without that having one player who can help move us up the league to the the point we aren't seen as relegation fodder + have more to spend in terms of ffp and wages is win/win. It's only when you have 3 or 4 that it becomes an issue when you have to have a complete rebuild of the core of the team.
  16. Feels like Barkley/RLC means Jack stays out left and we've missed out/weren't interested in a left wing. I'd be cool with that and a back up striker for this window.
  17. Bad luck - it's 3 1/2 weeks more till the final slamming shut.
  18. Well it wasn't pretty, but on the plus side they are really going to hate us even more now.
  19. Keep it tight. Don't give away an early goal. Let's not have to be chasing things first up.
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