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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. Prefer the early kick offs - this is taking forever to come round.
  2. Would prefer we just put 3 or 4 goals past them TBH.
  3. There's a few here to aim for! Villa have started a season with four successive league wins for the first time since 1930-31. They have never won their opening five games. Dean Smith's side can equal the club Premier League record of five consecutive victories, set in 1996 and matched in 1998. Villa's current eight-match unbeaten streak is their longest in the Premier League since a run of 10 games ended in October 2011. They can win each of their opening three home matches of a Premier League campaign for the first time since 2006-07. The Villans are the only club not to have trailed in a Premier League fixture this season. Villa have conceded two top-flight goals this season, four fewer than any other club. from https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54564741 Leeds just don't look that threatening to me, but will be hard to break down - tight 1-0 to us.
  4. We've never started with 5 wins. This would be record breaking. Have done 12 unbeaten at the start iirc but always a draw within the first 5.
  5. Every team ever has dropped points. Would be more than happy with 10 from this run, 6 or fewer would be pretty poor.
  6. In all our gloried past, we have never won the first 5 games of a season. Time to re-write history.
  7. I'm all tingly excited. Can't quite believe we'll put out another cracking performance...but if we win, oh my days.
  8. It's nonsense - Longest current run without being relegated. Seemingly specifically designed to exclude us. I think they were hoping that Southampton, West Ham etc would be so grateful that they'd back it instantly where we might raise more objections (as we have over extra subs etc). Good to see that West Ham have come out against it (at least for now) because it wasn't even discussed with them. It's truly shocking on so many levels. Without the power grab, there are some good proposals, but it'll never get through like this.
  9. From those interviews you can see that Southgate just doesn't understand what Jack does or how he plays. He can't comprehend the skills and so goes back to talking about what he does understand which is Mount's running and pressing. When asked about Jack his brow furrows and you can see him really trying to explain but failing and ending up with the 'has to get into those areas more' comment. Well Gareth, it's your job to set the team up to allow that, mate. Just like LeTissier and Hoddle in the past - journeymen managers can't understand how they can play the way they do so can't work out how to use them properly.
  10. Looks like it was 1930/31. We're not very good at starting seasons. 1932/33 Went 11 unbeaten, but 3 wins then a couple of draws. 1962/63 Had 3 wins, then lost. 1998/99 Went 12 unbeaten, but drew to Everton first followed by 4 wins.
  11. When did we last win the first 4 in a season?
  12. Yeah - I'd prefer he had an amazing season and we move well up the table. Who knows - then as a major part of the 'project' he might feel it's worth staying, but if not we'll get decent money for him and be in a position to attract a good replacement. He's been so key to the upturn in our fortunes since lockdown.
  13. Right, I'm going to say it. IMO Taylor as back up is fine. He did a good job defensively last time he had a run and we have so much more attacking threat now that we don't need him to be able to cross.
  14. I wish it was this time last night again.
  15. They're more likely to go to the Championship so still a bit of time for them to go and to get a replacement from down there.
  16. What was particularly excellent for me was seeing the freedom Jack will get with Barkley being here and SJM hitting form again. Suddenly we have a number of attacking points (and someone who can finish them) and teams won't be able to mark Jack out of the game and stop most of our threat. Incredible how quickly Jack and Ross seem to have clicked. It's going to be mouthwatering.
  17. Now getting close to 10/1 to go down. 9th favourites. That's quite the change over the first few games. I'll be extremely happy with anything top half this season.
  18. Hmmm. Maybe we won't be bringing in 4 more new players after all.
  19. I'm certain there is zero chance of 4 more coming in. Might still be an outside chance of one more if anyone goes. and FWIW I'd be happy for Davis to go to the championship on loan to see if he can score if we can bring in another forward. My reading is that we are not going to fill the squad with backup players. Yes - many of them aren't great, but hopefully also won't get much exposure. We will only bring in quality to move current first team down to the bench and then bench > squad and squad > out. And that will be a gradual process over the next few windows.
  20. Do they do the re-registration thing in Jan again? If Wes/Heaton aren't close then leave them out again, there's no need to get rid of everyone straightaway. Will definitely be interesting to see if Ramsay stays now Ross is here. Real balance between playing time at a lower level and being in and around the squad and playing cup games.
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