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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. I think your analysis of the rule is spot on. It's really badly phrased, but the intention is as you describe and why the goal was not given. Ironically, if JJ had been a split second later to the shot, I think it's likely that Schmeichel would have lost control of the ball from under his fingertips and the goal would have stood. As said though, it galvanised the crowd and team after the event, so in the end, no harm done.
  2. Was tempted to leave it at half time, but what a superb second half. Really had them rattled. We were worth a point today. Luiz excellent, Ollie back on form and starting to see Buendia make things happen though still sloppy at times. For all the chat about our midfield, I reckon if Sanson stays fit (big if I know) it's going to be tough choices who to play. He has some lovely touches. Feeling positive after that.
  3. Strong side. God I hope they finally click up front.
  4. Just got out of the pictures (ghostbusters - meh) What a good result against a real bogey team. Well in Gerrard and the lads. Don't things look a but rosier now.
  5. What a massive relief. 3 very welcome points and a clean sheet. Let's take that positivity in to the coming games. Welcome to the best club in the world Stevie.
  6. Think that's probably the best side for now. New manager bounce time please.
  7. Can we please just not concede in the first 10 minutes. Thanks.
  8. Minimum 9 - have to be picking up a point a game, and if we can't do Brighton, Burnley and Norwich then we really are deep in the do-do. 11/12 would be par I reckon. 14+ and I'd be very happy with the way things were going.
  9. To have been supporting through an era with Villa fans as captain and manager is really unique in the modern era at this level (or at least highly unusual if there are stattos out there who know of others). We should look back on that as a truly fantastic time to be a Villa fan. Back to the more usual process certainly feels there is that extra something missing...but new adopted heroes will come along, whether that is from this bunch or the next.
  10. As long as we beat Liverpool by no less than 7-2, i'll be happy with this appointment.
  11. Welcome to the next run of hte Villa rollercoaster. Actually pretty excited by the potential. First 5 games are really tough though so hope everyone can stay positive while the team settles in. (Spoiler - they won't).
  12. I really don't think that's the perception from outside the club.
  13. Because they are still a basket case cmub likely to be relegated. We are just a bit lost currently.
  14. It's one of the things that makes me more confident in Gerrard. He is obviously happy to use a team (and they are happy to be led by him) even if he doesn't have the specific skillset they have. And from all accounts he has assembled a pretty good team. That's the sign of a good leader and manager.
  15. Well, if nothing else, the Jan window (and probably summer) will be super exciting again as I'd expect SG to get a bit of backing for new players.
  16. Sorry - i'm confused. Are you saying it's you that's going to play for the first team? Bit off topic, but, you know, - congrats if so!
  17. Might steer clear of the next few match threads I think.
  18. ...but in this case, your friend (let's call him Steve), has been working at a smaller business in your industry for 3 years and showing pretty positive signs that he can progress to a bigger role. Again, I'm not absolutely pro Gerrard, but if he wasn't showing a decent amount of promise to those that know in football, they wouldn't be touting him for the Liverpool job one day. It's more than just his name and footballing past.
  19. Probably wouldn't have been top of my list, but I'm prepared to get on the Gerrard train (assuming he brings his team with him). I think there's a lot he will bring to the instant impact (new manager bounce if you will) that some of the foreign names touted wouldn't find so easy. And we need an instant response to keep us out of the relegation zone.
  20. Yeah this. He'd only get the Liverpool gig if he was doing really well with us so he'd want to make it work. And if he comes in and has a good enough 2 years to move on then we should be in a good place. Don't see that as much of a downside really.
  21. A shame its ended this way. Thanks for the good times Dean.
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