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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. Guy I work with used to work at Arsenal and met UE a few times. Obviously as has been reported he is super nerdy about the analytics and pretty intense. When he was there his English wasn't great so he would sometimes lose track of what he was trying to get across half way through explaining something. One of the reasons sessions were really long. By all accounts he's been continuing to improve that over the last few years so hopefully less of a problem now.
  2. Unfortunately it is almost certain that Liverpool will pick up form and get into the top 6 at very least. That leaves us needing to catch and overhaul Man U or Newcastle who are 8 & 9 points ahead of us (and likely to be fighting for 7th). Man U, Chelsea and Liverpool all have a game in hand as well. Can't see any of the others in the top six getting fewer points than us over the rest of the season. Everyone else is definitely catchable, so 8th is IMO our ceiling. I suppose if we win this weekend, Toon will only be 6 ahead, so there's a slight chance but we'd have to have incredible form to do it. Given our start I'd be happy with top half, and very pleased with anything more this season.
  3. I doubt there has been any significant contact - maybe a hi and good luck. Emery is meant to be a real analytics manager and he's not going to fire off a load of advice when he hasn't met even the players or seen them train. I'm sure he's been looking at videos and data and stuff to prepare but won't have any input yet. IMO.
  4. I'd really doubt it. Until he has worked with squad he's not going to chime in with instructions from the sidelines - he has no idea what Dank's has been working on etc. Again, I'd say zero. He'll need to work with them first.
  5. Would take a draw but there's a glimmer of hope. High off the last performance and result, looking to impress the new boss, hope for a bit of complacency from Newcastle. An early goal to quieten the crowd would be ideal. But as others have said - good to be excited about the weekends game again.
  6. Exciting times again. Really hope we get back to seeing players improving individually and the strength of unity back into the team and squad. Proper coaching, proper tactics and playing to players strengths - simple stuff really. And not least the connection between the club and the fans needs to come back - and from initial positive reactions to the appointment (and Danks' selection at the weekend) that seems to be on the way. We'll never have the unique days of Smith/Grealish/fans again, but hopefully can get close.
  7. I think I can live with winning but not necessarily exciting football for a few years. Would make a refreshing change from losing and not necessarily exciting football.
  8. I always thought AVB was a bit shit. Reminds me of Di Matteo - got a couple of gigs where talented players carried him. Having never heard of Amorim until a few hours ago, I approve of his touchline fashion vibes, so it's a yes from me.
  9. Cycled past the ground on my commute home. Enjoyed 'up the villa'ing groups of Fulham supporters on the way.
  10. Smith visibly improved players and for the most part made the team better than the sum of it's parts. Gerrard is doing the complete opposite. Every player is getting worse individually and on top of that, the team is anti-gelling and consistently look as though they have never met each other before, which is quite some achievement in awful management. Out please.
  11. I'm so unenthused this season. Combination of no flow to it and the awful football being served up to us. Hope we win but meh, whatever.
  12. Well that's the side no-one wanted to see. Deary me. 3 nil win incoming.
  13. No fit/well senior keepers might be an issue tomorrow.
  14. Oooh. Has been named in the 25 man squad. Comeback/reintegration happening?
  15. We need at least 3 points from this game and at least 3 points against Southampton. Preferably more. That should put us in a reasonable position for the international break. Or bringing in a new manager. Young to keep his place. McGinn to lose his. Either put a Donk on it, or bring in little Emi.
  16. More likely they haven't had a chance to get used to the tactical system yet. Oh.
  17. First time we've lined up without Coutinho or Buendia i think. Can't really moan about changes when nothing else has worked. Ah well - time to mute citeh fan friends.
  18. Isn't it ridiculous. I know we're very likely to be thumped. Yet that sliver of hope is popping up that we might somehow cause an upset and sneak something. I suppose it'll have been dashed by 5:34pm though, but at least get most of Saturday before the gloom descends. Can almost accept Haaland doing the damage - we're not the first and won't be the last - but it will hurt if it's Alvarez.
  19. Dendonker is hugely uninspiring, but let's hope he can do a job. The state of the club today is so depressing and has gone to shit so quickly. Ugh.
  20. Jesus hat-trick, just to warm up for Haaland to score 5 at the weekend. No goals for us. Bleak.
  21. This is where I am. We apparently had such a solid and happy squad up till recently (albeit not performing to potential) and throwing that away may mean losing talented footballers we need. We need a manager that can improve players and make our team more than the sum of it's parts. Gerrard is managing the complete opposite.
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