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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. Very strange. Was there for a year already and had no appearances. Obviously has some talent but never seems to play - odd.
  2. I keep seeing this. But if we sign championship players, we'll stay in the championship. We need to keep aiming on the premiership and make sure we get back to it before the parachute payments run out. We still need to buy / loan quality.
  3. Had we not had injuries and suspensions I'm pretty sure it would have be virtually the same side each week. Norwich is the aberration proving that we don't have the depth to rotate. Or any depth at all. Or even shallowness frankly.
  4. I truly hope so. Show us We're not 20th - that there is one team worse than us. Baby steps.
  5. From what I've seen I think Remi has been focussed on consistency and giving the players he sees as the 'best' a run. It's worked for ayew and veretout, for Rudy not so much. I presume he watched all the Sherwood games and saw players in and out each week, systems changing and saw how that screwed everyone up. That said, with ayew out I hope the plan isn't Sinclair and gestede and we do see more adama-time.
  6. rubberman WestHam 2-1 Liverpool Arsenal 4-0 Newcastle Leicester 2-0 Bournemouth ManUtd 0-0 Swansea Norwich 1-1 Southampton Sunderland 1-1 Villa WestBrom 0-1 Stoke Watford 1-2 ManCity Palace 1-0 Chelsea Everton 2-2 Spurs http://pastebin.com/A0F9qhXF Missed the last couple, but back in the office again...
  7. "What happens when you change manager? So in the Premier League, at least, there is a boost for a short honeymoon period and then performance dips back – and indeed slightly below the level that it was before the club changed manager. Between 12 and 18 games after appointment, the points’ benefit of changing manager has vanished, suggesting that on average there is only a short-term gain and a longer-term negative effect of changing manager." From: http://www.wbs.ac.uk/downloads/news/2009/10/what-is-the-impact-of-changing-football-manag.pdf I can't manage to insert the graphic this refers to, but essentially, there is usually a small uplift in the first 6 games after a change, with a bigger impact games 7-12, before reverting to the mean (ie where you were before the sacking). Our 'bounce' has been negligible - whether this is because of the desperate plunge we were on prior to the change or the lack of impact Remi has had is a matter of opinion.
  8. And it's relegation from me. And it's relegation from him.
  9. I like Remi and I liked the way the team was slowly improving up to West Ham when I thought we looked pretty good. Norwich was a real step back though and shows how little depth we have. I'd prefer to have seen some of the kids coming through than have proven failures starting / on the bench - at least they'd be hungry. I think we'll see Remi being ruthless again with Richardson, Sinclair etc as he has been with Zog and Gabby especially if we can get 2-3 people in through Jan. I was in the optimistic camp coming into these last few games, but Norwich has killed that. I'd just like to see continued progress and get past Derby's points. Maybe sneak into 19th so it's not so desperate. Christ - aspiring to 19th - what has this club done to me.
  10. Can understand some of the reasons for changes but that side looks the same as the Shit Sherwood was serving up. Disappointed.
  11. There are small signs of confidence growing. We're making chances and fewer stupid mistakes. Please let this be the day...
  12. That would work for me - though I'd drop in Chemical Brothers - Sunshine Ungerground for PPK.
  13. I think it's a real shame. We're not exactly blessed with strength in depth (or even at first choice). It seems Remi wants to use Veretout in the more advanced CM role and Gil hasn't really shown enough out when he has been played out wide. There would be many more names on my list to ship out before we get to Carles, but if moving him on (with Gabby, Zog and Kozak) gets us a more balanced side to play the way Remi wants then I'll go with that.
  14. I expect pretty much dakid's team. Gil on for Veretout when he tires and Adama for Gestede with 30 to go, if we still need a winner. ..and just to annoy Hanoi, 1-0 to Villa.
  15. Taking 8 of us across 3 generations to this for a rare trip to VP and a farewell to the premier league. Really hope it won't be too depressing for the kids - they already get enough grief from their Chelsea and Arsenal supporting mates.
  16. Needs at least 30 mins this weekend. Not 3.
  17. Well, you'll have to have Hutton instead of Richards. Unfortunately.
  18. rubberman Chelsea 1-0 Sunderland Everton 2-2 Leicester ManUtd 1-0 Norwich Southampton 1-1 Spurs Stoke 1-1 Palace WestBrom 1-1 Bournemouth Newcastle 1-2 Villa Watford 0-2 Liverpool Swansea 0-1 WestHam Arsenal 2-0 ManCity http://pastebin.com/KbzZYCkP
  19. Having lost arguably 2 of our best performing players in Amavi and Richards has made an already difficult job nigh on impossible. I'm really not about to blame Remi over the last few games and whatever happens over the rest of the season and next , I'd still like to see what he can build here.
  20. I think Rudy's 8 metres brings the team average down a fair bit.
  21. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help beginning to feel excited that this weekend could see a change in our fortunes. I've read the incredibly depressing stats about our record at Newcastle and then there's their recent run. I know there's nothing to back it up. But at this time of the week my hopes start to rise - it's so painful.
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