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Posts posted by MrSmirch

  1. There was a twenty minute period there where i was quite optimistic with it looking like we were in with a good shot of getting Moyes.

    But no, the abortion of a man that is Randolph Lerner strikes again.

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  2. 15 hours ago, StanBalaban said:

    Well this marketing campaign was well planned and properly thought out. What could go wrong?


    The people responsible for that campaign should be crucified. 

  3. Give Remi a year with his own players, see how he gets on. If things still aren't going well then get Warburton, his teeth are well and truly cut plus he did a great job with Brentford in the championship getting them to the play offs. 

  4. Do you think we can realistically afford to sack Garde and his backroom team? It'd be millions and millions down the shitter that could be better spent replacing the real culprits of our plight.

    I definitely want to see him get a chance to try and build something here, there's a reason Lyon fans called him Rémi Garde-iola. 

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