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Posts posted by MrSmirch

  1. 6 minutes ago, Spoony said:

    He will get more games. I don’t believe he’s lost the dressing room and I reckon most of the players probably like him as he attracts some great signings and a lot of the time it seems to be thanks to him. 

    That being said, for me he absolutely has to go. In terms of tactics, selections and performances, I have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said. 

    I’d rather a load of no names who fit a system then billy big wages like McCormack, Lansbury, Elmo, Jedinak, Hogan, Taylor. We’ll be paying their wages for years and won’t get anywhere near the fees we paid for them.

    **** retarded policy at the club, as per usual. Loaning out Elphick BEFORE we’ve got a replacement in?! Jesus wept that’s the sort of mistake you make in a video game, not real life. 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Surely Joe Bryan isn’t the only decent left back out there to sign! 

    Anyone would think we’ve just missed out on Roberto Carlos reading this thread. 

    The alternative is Knudsen...

  3. Avtransfers says medical done and Nixon this morning says wages and fee all sorted. He’s probably spent the day taking pictures in the shirt, I’m not worried about a gazumping or hijacking or 11th hour bidding.


  4. So according to Simon Jones via @villareport on Twitter we’re rejecting offers from stoke at £10M and offering a new contract. Hopefully that means there’s need to sell and Gresford stays ?

  5. Have to hope 1 of Jokanovic, Wagner, Howe, Warnock, Hughton, Benitez get the sack by Christmas so there's a decent option open.

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