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Posts posted by MrSmirch

  1. It’s like that bit in Enemy at the Gates. Our boys just need to stop shitting their pants when it gets hairy. Some suggest shooting the general or deporting families while the answer really is that heroic examples are needed that the others will follow. 

    Hourihane and Lansbury need to come off the bench much earlier too. And less El Ghazi. Also Grealish should stay closer to Wesley if we’re playing Marv and McGinn. Trezugeut and Guilbert will be a fine pairing.

  2. Engels and Mings very good, Grealish had moments of quality but mistakes cost dear, Elghazi tried too much, McGinn good, full backs professional but nothing more, second half was too defensive overall. Wesley was fine don’t get the anger, did all he could. 

    Need more practice at counterattacking, something we did nothing of last year. 

    We’ll be alright I reckon.

  3. 3 hours ago, useless said:

    I'd be happy with Sturridge on a short term deal, and sensible wages. Seems almost arrogant the way people turn their noses up at him, I wonder if some might be in for a reality check when the season begins, and it's a lot tougher than they're expecting if they think we can be so dismissive of a player like Sturridge.

    Because it wouldn’t be a short term deal or on sensible wages

  4. I think personally we should chill on the Bowen hype, he’s scored a load in a bad side but there’s loads of players who do that occasionally. I doubt we’ll be talking about him in 5 months.  I’m happy to be wrong but I reckon he’s another Gayle, Ritchie, Nugent type who can do a Blackburn defender every day of the week but no more potent than that. Benrahama on the other hand...

  5. My confidence in him staying was starting to waver after the selection and the lack of a new contract but I’ve just seen a tweet about him getting his Sky package fitted. 

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