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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. 2 goal lead by half time. Then professionally controlling the game and seeing it out.
  2. So I had a dream that Blackburn scored quite early. It was a weak shot from distance that went in to the bottom right hand side of the goal. At first it looked like a keeper error but on the replay it seemed it was a miscued shot which wrong footed steer. Im sure we went on to win 4-1 but I woke up so can’t confirm it.
  3. He might be the next Pep or he might be the next Sherwood. I just think the form under him has been an over achievement. Ive watched a few of their games and they’ve been very lucky. Good luck to them.
  4. I think Man U are making a mistake. It’s easy being a manager when all is going well. Let’s see how he copes when there’s some bad form. There seems to be some bad eggs at that club.
  5. Maybe communism is a form of puritanical atheism? Anyway there appears to be quite a few athiests on this thread that seem quite passionate about their beliefs. Or lack of beliefs should I say.
  6. Edited as this the religion thread. Not the same sex relationship thread. Apologies.
  7. Yeah knock yourself out. Waste of time and energy though.
  8. I agree with everything that is being said above. I just know you wont change the views of these people.
  9. They can do that but there’ll only be one outcome.
  10. Whilst I agree with the sentiment we all know it’s never going to be as simple as that with this particular issue. edit: could you not also argue as a nation we have a responsibility to respect what parents do and don’t want their children to be taught in our schools?
  11. Choosing a diverse school would be a good start I guess. It’s a tricky one.
  12. I’m seriously struggling to understand why it has to become a nationwide law for all schools rather than by a school by school basis. Let the parents of the school vote and then teach on that basis. Simple.
  13. But why trial it at a majority Muslim school when you know same sex relationships are forbidden in their religion. What did they expect would happen?
  14. If this is true then maybe there’s a more sinister reasons why that school was chosen and it’s nothing to do with what they are teaching.
  15. What’s our capacity with upper trinity closed. Is it 37k? edit: or is it open?
  16. Yes this is when things get dangerous. Extreme interpretations of certain teachings. What can you do hey?
  17. Whilst it is I think our home games and Rotherham/Bolton away are more important. It’s games we have the best chance of winning. The Sheff Wed game I would take a point. Also looking at sheff wed’s run in and I think they will start dropping down the table. Against better teams Bruce sets up not to lose. Those 0-0’s won’t get them to the playoffs. edit: what I am talking about? Against every team Bruce sets up not to lose! It’s just against the better teams they also struggle to create chances.
  18. I used to think the same but the more I have watched GOT repeatedly the more I appriecate what an incredible program it is. But to be fair we are talking completely different genres here so it’s difficult to compare it with Wire/Sopranos. For me they are all amazing tv in their own way. I know people that actually refuse to watch GOT because it looks too unrealistic. Their lose.
  19. Maybe but i think the most important thing would be that people of both life choices respect the choice of others. In many cases it’s not faith or lack of faith that is the issue. It’s having a problem with people that do not think the same way that is.
  20. I just feel it’s a state of mind that helps a lot of people get by in life, especially those less fortunate than some. I’ve seen people live in extreme poverty yet still have smiles on their faces and are content with life. They have a belief in a higher power and it seems to get them by. Neither rational thought or blind faith will feed their kids but the latter seems to help them more. I don’t think that’s a bad thing whether we agree with it or not. In terms of envying people I probably should have tried to explain this better. I’ve been bought up around a very small religion that I think is amazing and was way ahead of its time. For a medevil religion to teach genders equality and there is no such as thing as caste and class etc was groundbreaking. (Stuff that’s the norm now). Those that practise it are some of the most amazing people i have ever come across. Its probably that religion and those people that I envy.
  21. I paper traded this strategy years ago. Had a look last year at progress and would have made a killing. Instead I spent all my money trying to short US. indices inflated by QE, low interest rates and massive tax cuts. What the hell was I thinking!! Anyway I bet you can get guess how that went. These days I have a very small pot I use to BTFD’s! It’s growing slowly but surely.
  22. Always preferred to watch it with subtitles turned on.
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