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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. Did I really say unskilled Mongolian farmer? I think you might have made that up.
  2. It’s probably not a sensible comparison but if the government said leaving the EU would mean they are able to allow more non EU workers enter the country would that not then make it fairer for the Indian?
  3. Ok what if person B has to meet a lot of criteria such as earning a certain amount and having a certain amount saved before they can bring their wife in because she is a non EU citizen. Person A’s wife is from an EU country so no restrictions. Is that fair?
  4. Maybe I am. Is it not unfair that a skilled Indian has to return after one year when a Romanian (skilled or not) can stay indefinitely? The only difference between the two workers is where they were born. Is that fair?
  5. Fair enough, EU freedom of movement is fair to all EU citizens. I get that. But I don’t think our government policies are fair to non EU citizens. I’m probably wrong about that and I’m sure you’ll correct me.
  6. Fair points. A few friends of mine have had to return to India though after their 1 year visa has expired. Very skilled programmers too. Apparently there are proposals to increase this to 5 years after we have left the EU. Again no reason why they couldn’t do that why we are in the EU so it’s not a ‘I want to leave post’. I’m just mentioning what they told me. As for the bold part I didn’t know this. I don’t think many people do and it’s something the remain campaign should have massively highlighted as part of their campaign.
  7. I did say the article suggests they are trying to make things fairer. Doesn’t for a second mean I think they will actually do that.
  8. I find it unfair that a person from an EU country, let’s say Romania as an example can work here but a person from let’s say India can’t. I know thats just how it is and we can hardly open the border to the world. But still doesn’t seem fair. By the way these are not my passionate views so please don’t all slaughter me. Just a general chat yeah?
  9. It does seem pretty shit but I am all for making migration fairer for people outside the EU which the article suggests the Tories are trying to do. Not sure how these charges would actually do that though. What’s the answer? Also stop the charges for non-eu migrants?
  10. Still Benrahma for me. Give them 20 million. He will be worth a lot more in a years time.
  11. I think he needs to learn how to pace himself so he can be effective for 90 minutes rather than 70.
  12. I whacked a fiver on labour majority at 20-1. I sense a massive shock.
  13. It was wrong you got slaughtered. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about any player. I don’t agree he was poor but he was definitely not to his standard. But I do now find it a bit odd that you think people criticising Mcginn as nitpicking. In the last 3 games he has been the shadow of the player we know he can be. He deserves the criticism in my opinion.
  14. I agree Jack was fine. I didn’t get the criticism but I can understand fans expected more. I though John was ok against Liverpool and Man City. Not his normal high standard but still average performances. Against Wolves I think he was poor.
  15. You think so? I thought he was pretty poor against Wolves. Not just based on the standard he has set himself but just in general. edit: Don’t wish to start an argument but it’s kind of how people felt when people were criticising Jack near the start of the season. Both Jack and John have set high standards so when they are not performing it really stands out. But neither of them are above criticism.
  16. Bowen has more about him in my opinion. Also a lot younger. Haven’t seen him at all this season though.
  17. I think Lolley is a decent championship player but I don’t think he would improve our team.
  18. I remember Heaton doing it against Spurs. Save he had no right to make. As soon as it was laid off it was like slow motion. Only one place he was going to put it with how his body was shaped. If it was top corner it couldn’t be saved but it wasn’t. Fwiw I’m not blaming Nyland for a second. Just think a top keeper could have saved it. Which is why they are top keepers.
  19. Our wingers need to do more when we haven’t got the ball. Sick of seeing opposing fullbacks bomb it forward whilst Trez or El Ghazi just stand there and watch leaving our full backs isolated. Our chances conceded keep coming because of this. We have to be better and becoming a 4-5-1 formation when haven’t got the ball. Our midfield 3 can’t handle it.
  20. It’s always a risk buying a player from an average league. But surely the club will assess the player in isolation. His physical attributes, movement, ability on the ball etc. In terms of goals I think any striker that has hopes to move on needs to be averaging near a goal a game in that league.
  21. Just watched the lad at Rangers on youtube. Appreciate it’s a s**t league but he looks pacey, mobile, has 2 good feet, cracking shot on him and seems a bit of a poacher.
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