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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. Just the lads having a quiet little session. I heard Lescott, Richards and Nzogbia were invited too.
  2. Who said the club should sack him? That’s crazy. He’s probably one of the clubs biggest assets. Strip his captaincy, yes. Maybe even put him up for sale. But sack him! Don’t be silly. Edit- the above is based on if he is proven to have been drink driving and left the car after crashing it.
  3. Funny how all is forgiven by fans in the comments. I get he messed up for going out during the lockdown and he has apologised for it. (Hopefully on the advice of his lawyer and the club). Let’s move on from that. Now there’s the small matter of drink driving and leaving the scene of an accident.
  4. Even if he’s done it by the time he plays football again it will be forgotten. Footballer’s don’t have any football, they will be themselves and unfortunately you’ll see the bad sides to them.
  5. I read someone that If 80% of the season had been played they could end it as is based on some FA rules. So they are just 2 games short of doing that.
  6. Am I only one that doesn’t care about this? It just doesn’t seem significant anymore. There isn’t going to be any football anytime soon anyway.
  7. The 2 metre rule on the pitch will make an interesting game. Should be high scoring.
  8. They’re going to have to void the season. Give Liverpool the title and decide something else for the rest. Football ain’t happening anytime soon.
  9. Of course people will steal lanyards. As mentioned earlier that will be the least of the scummy things people will start to do over the coming months. It will be a very small minority of people I’m sure. But shit will happen. It’s going to turn a bit dog eat dog.
  10. I thought we’re all going to get it eventually anyway. We just need a staggered approach so health services can cope?
  11. Bruce’s idea could actually work. They just need to stagger the games so there are 3/4 matches every day.
  12. I went to Tesco today and saw some chap with two full trolleys loaded with cheese and milk! I thought ’’How Dairy!?!’’
  13. I guess so. If they sacked him I wouldn’t be upset either though.
  14. Sorry I was being facetious in an attempt to be funny. My bad. I couldn’t care less about football right now mate. I just ventured in to on topic out of habit. Hope you’re keeping well. edit: I also think sacking Smith at a time like this wouldn’t be the right thing to do either.
  15. That’s no win in over 2 months now in the league. He’s gotta go!
  16. I think he should be good enough for the Championship. I mean Adomah thrived and he was a pretty average player. In the Premier League he looks way out of his depth.
  17. Sorry to hear @Villarocker Get well soon pal.
  18. The stock market is recovering. Everything will be fine.
  19. So ummm, anyone ever read this? Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America. i see it’s being plugged by some conspiracy theory messages. It’s £45 in Amazon!
  20. Military invention is a matter of time. A real shame it has to come to it. Ive always tried to defend the intelligence of people in this country when it came to topics such as Brexit. But after what I’ve seen today there’s just no escaping it, people really are thick as shit.
  21. Went to Sainsbury's today and saw this bloke buy up all the mussels, crabs and lobsters . What a shellfish bastard!
  22. I’d argue many bigots are too stupid to even know what halal is. But that’s for another topic.
  23. Hang on a minute. I don’t eat halal food. Does that make me a bigot?!? But on a serious note the amount of racist videos I’ve seen about ‘bloody foreigners’ who aren’t social isolating is a bit unnerving.
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