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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. I’m not entirely shocked that you’re not entirely shocked But we should probably leave it there.
  2. Ok so as there’s not one example given to me of where funding these areas has been the answer I should run along and find examples of where underfunding them has worked so well? Don’t really get that one mate.
  3. Out of interest which so called ‘developed’ country are you referring to with this post? My history is a bit shit, do you mean Germany?
  4. We could probably find troubling examples for every scenario if we look hard enough. But as mentioned earlier in this thread we should be able to deal with this crisis without any unorthodox changes so it should be fine.
  5. I know I said this a few weeks ago but I’m even more amazed now how much I’m not missing football. It’s crazy !
  6. Maybe there’s a place for these ‘emergency laws’ in our society? Something worth considering at least? Plus to be fair I did follow up this post by asking for examples of where funding education, courts, prisons etc has been the answer.
  7. But on a serious note. Any examples of countries where this has been the answer? Genuinely interested to know.
  8. There will never be mutual respect. There are way too many people out there that despise the police and always will. A lot of time for no rational reason either. Maybe in these cases a little fear might help.
  9. In a ideal world at in ‘normal’ time’s yes. I think if the situation doesn’t improve some more unorthodox methods should be bought in. I’d be open to it.
  10. I don’t know if our police are lenient but it feels that way compared to countries I have visited. But then I suppose when that list includes countries like USA, Turkey, Egypt and India I suppose it would obviously look that way. Be interested to hear from VT’s abroad on how police or countries are handling social distancing? In terms of community I was referring to the Muslim or Pakistani community in particular. I didn’t want to mention it in case it sounded like I had an agenda or something but the numbers of cases and deaths in the town I live in are disproportionately high. There are many reports of gatherings still take places at peoples houses. I do however thing this could be down to a lot of the community living in inner city areas which are very congested. Practicing social distancing must be very difficult and these areas have become hotspots.
  11. I think this country is way to soft. There is pretty much zero respect or even fear of the police. To many are just considered a joke. As soon as a few fines started to get handed out there was an uproar! The town I live In is considered the worst hit area outside of London. Apparently there are people of a certain community who have zero respect for the rules and are the reason for the high numbers. A friend of mine questioned his neighbour as he was standing on his drive with a group of friends. The response was his parents had died a few years ago so there’s nobody he has to worry about. Unfortunately this is the selfish attitude of way too many people in the country. They aren’t going to listen to the police either. Genuine question, are there many other countries in the world that have a police force and laws as soft as ours?
  12. In the short term yes. What about in the future when the government is in massive debt and if the country is an economic mess? I’d already put money on our next government being a labour one. Im also probably completing wrong.
  13. I don’t get this either. Whilst I appreciate not everyone will follow the rules I would still have expected the peak to be around now?
  14. Have you seen a lot of people still behaving as normal then where you are? The only time I have ventured out in the past 3 weeks is to go to the shop or for a jog in the park. Apart from a couple of kids on a bike ramp I haven’t seen anything other than people walking the dog or going for a walk or run.
  15. Haha! Why not. Boris Johnson is a racist but no way is he a super-racist! The prime minister of Brazil on the other hand.
  16. About the Boris being racist thing I started in the wrong thread. I wasn’t trying to defend him as such. He is stupid for saying the things he said over the years. But I genuinely think a lot of things he has said are in the minds of a lot of people. They just keep these comments and thoughts to themselves or in small circles. Also a lot of his racist comments seem to have been directed towards fundamental Islam. Yet apparently 25% of UK Muslims voted for the Conservative party in the election. If he was that much of a racist person I doubt that number would have been that high. Maybe the term ‘racist’ has become too broad for society and we need some words to define the level of how racist the person is. Just being racist doesn’t seem to matter to the majority these days.
  17. Im seeing a correlation in Sun readers and 5g conspiracy whatsapp forwards...
  18. That ones gone over my head mate.
  19. I’m trying the Viking look. Have some oil for the itchiness.
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