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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. Interested to hear some views on the below. Studies suggest that for a number of reason ethnic group such as Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Black African suffer from income poverty in this country a lot more than Indians and White. I believe Black Caribbeans are at the lower end too. Why do you think this is? Surely all groups would have suffered from the same racial barriers? I was thinking about this and maybe it’s down to being because those from India and the Caribbean came to the UK when there was a massive labour shortage so were able to earn a good living and pass this on to next generations? Whilst other ethnic groups may have come to the country later whilst it was falling on more difficult times.
  2. If they are going to a protest then it must have been agreed by the club. I don’t think they should be going myself but it must obvious be very important to them.
  3. edit: sorry people. That was a silly post. Of course you can’t tell anything from a persons face. Unless they look like Wyness or Hancock!!
  4. I’d probably give Nyland a chance. Reina is just too casual and it’s been costing us.
  5. Is it bad that I have no sympathy for these people if they catch coronavirus?
  6. The large crowds and protests in London in solidarity with America demonstrators amazes me. Have these people forgot there’s a currently a pandemic?
  7. I don’t think having a temper or a nasty streak has any thing to do with intelligence. Maybe intelligence is the wrong word. Whats the nicest possible way to say he doesn’t seem as stupid as your average footballer?
  8. The players seemed defeated. Confidence was rock bottom. Everything was going against us and we looked likely to go down if we’re being honest. This restart is almost like a new season starting. A mini tournament. We can do it.
  9. Maybe. Who wants it more will be the biggest factor for me.
  10. I see it differently. Players that struggle with the pressure of the crowd will no longer have an issue. Every game will be a level playing field so it will come down to a combination of better players, fitness and who wants it more. Now we all know we haven’t got better players than most of our opposition. But I do think we will want it more in several of our remaining games considering what’s at stake.
  11. Comes across as a very intelligent guy.
  12. I just don’t get how people can not think they should maybe quieten it down a bit at 10pm or maybe just go inside. Maybe it’s just me
  13. When the next door makes shit loads of noise in the garden at weekends and my kids struggle to get to sleep. Dont want to be that grumpy neighbour but boy do they piss me off. Lockdown ain’t even over yet and they got loads of guests around.
  14. We got a kids play are at my local park that is closed off. Today it a lot of kids in there! Parents with them too. Lockdowns coming to an end. Also I was chatting to a copper I know the other day and I asked him if he has given out any fines. He said no chance, way too much paperwork! As long as groups are not closed to each other they don’t care.
  15. To be fair he got a lot of abuse from his own fans for that post.
  16. Also he was only 22 when he joined. Still a young lad in a new country, having to settle and learn the language. He did well considering. He is also Serbia’s joint second all time goalscorer.
  17. Thought nothing of what you said until you said no homo.
  18. Wtf is this about Mcginn knee injury?
  19. I didn’t even get the email! Will probably donate some and get the rest refunded. I don’t think my passion for the game will be the same again. Somethings changed.
  20. @Stevo985 @Demitri_C were you two discussing why the goverment would want to inflate numbers? I’ve just had a very lengthy whatsapp message that states it’s to continue to enforce the apparently illegal Coronavirus act 2020 and the Some people have way too much time on their hands.
  21. Course you can. Obvious example being Leicester but how many times did Sunderland, Wigan and even us manage it? That team that lost 8-0, 4-0 and 3,0 over Christmas period was one of the worst Villa teams I’d ever seen. They even lost a semi final to a league two team. Yet they stayed up.
  22. Sad to hear. Thoughts with Dean Smith and his family.
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