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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. Going off topic Speaking as an Asian in Britain I’m actually extremely proud of this country and how far it has become in respecting people from all walks of lives. The way people are treated in the country my parents came from is what makes me angry. Also makes me happy countries like Britain exist. Going back on topic. I personally think it’s poor timing for anybody to be going to protests where there are large groups gathered. That include Mings. But obviously you can understand why it’s so important to people. Just a thought though. If he does end up catching coronavirus due to going to the protest should the club continue to pay his wages during the time he is absent?
  2. I personally think Winston Churchill’s statue was vandalised by mindless thugs but I get how it can be seen a racially motivated. But can anyone explain to me why Abraham Lincoln’s statue was vandalised?
  3. If the risk was to themselves I’d agree. But with COVID the majority of those protesters could catch it and be fine. In many cases not even know about it. But they could also pass it on to an elderly or vulnerable person and it could cost them their lives. Thats why I think they are irresponsible and selfish. The world knows how many people are rallying together for this cause. A mass gathering at this time really wasn’t needed in my opinion.
  4. There’s a hatred for police right now so doubt it was racially motivated. Plus you do know only white people are racist right?
  5. Yeh I was taking another here. This country is thankfully nothing like America.
  6. The police can’t do a single thing. Can you imagine the outrage of police clamping down on the right to protest about police brutality! Social media would blow up!
  7. Have these protests been going on all week in the UK? Wonder how many of the protestors are furloughed. At least they making good use of all that free time.
  8. Disgraceful scenes in London today. Embarrassing.
  9. Most of the protesters are young. If they get Covid they will be fine. But if they pass it on to an elderly or vulnerable person it could be fatal. Very selfish people in my opinion. Go see your partner whenever you want. If thousands of people can stand close together for hours I’m sure you can visit a persons house.
  10. It’s the wrong time to be doing them in my opinion.
  11. It’s just friendly’s for match fitness! The results are irrelevant. Relax people.
  12. Protests are never pointless. People should always stand for what they believe in whatever way possible. But during a pandemic? I don’t get it.
  13. Doesn’t anyone else think these protests in London are really irresponsible?
  14. The US is a basket case. The biggest problem in my opinion is guns. Imagine being police when not only does everyone hate you, they are also likely to be armed. Of course you will be on edge and quick to fire your gun. No sane person would ever take that job. Cops must have a screw loose. Im so thankful we haven’t got a gun problem here.
  15. I think it will become the norm. Fashion accessory almost. Like beards.
  16. I’m just thinking back in my college days I used to always have my scarf cover my face and nose all. I just felt more relaxed that way. Plus it keeps you warm in the winter. It got to the stage where people were talking about whether I was hiding something. Guess it’s time to get those scarves back out.
  17. You reckon a scarf will be ok as a mask?
  18. To be fair If you have sent your kid to England for an education and paid the extortionate fees they better bloody study. Uni’s here are regarded as the best in the world. But if they don’t study hard they are sorted anyway as family must be pretty well off to send them in the first place, Speaking for myself I completely messed up uni but my parent didn’t have to pay a penny because of their earnings. Had they have had to pay large fees to get me there I’d probably have taken it a bit more seriously.
  19. When Sky TV ask you not to ring due to short staff etc and everything can be done online. So you finally work out how to remove a package and get this: ‘You will need to contact us to remove this package’’ to make it worse just underneath that there is this button: ’Add more packages’ C**nts!!
  20. So what advantage did or do Asian people have over black people? If anything in many cases it’s harder for Asians due to different names, languages, cultures etc. A lot of the black community in this country are able to integrate a lot easier than Asians are as they are Christian and have the same language, similar names etc So why are they held back? The Issue is deeper than just racism in my opinion.
  21. That may well be true. But doesn’t that imply that the issue is not just racial barriers and there more to it? Im talking from a UK perspective only. The US is way more complex!
  22. Any Asian’s ever manage you?
  23. Education from where? What advantage have Indians and Chinese got over the rest? I do think timing can be a factor but first generation Pakistanis came to the country at the same time as Indians. Chinese came afterwards as far as I’m aware. Im not saying there are not racial barriers, of course there are. But if two ethnic minorities are able to thrive against the barriers to put themselves in an even better position than white British. what is holding back the others?
  24. Tbf a lot of people in this country whilst proud to be British are also proud of their heritage. So would prefer to be labelled as terms such as British Indian or British Pakistani rather than just British.
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