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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. The video won't load for some reason but is there a possibility she's made something racial out of it even when it isn't there? I've had a debates with White British people asking if would consider living in another country if they are that upset about things here? Does that make me a racist?
  2. George Floyd will become an icon for social justice for change. Hopefully his death wasn't in vain. But I don't think he should be portrayed as a hero or as an angel in heaven like I've just seen. I've read he did some pretty nasty shit in his time. Disclaimer : Its just an opinion, before anyone pounces - I'm not dismissing the whole #BLM movement.
  3. They don't. Just because you have a conversation about the burning of a flag it doesn't mean you've dismissed everything els!
  4. You are not understanding me and I’m struggling to explain myself in writing. Everything I say seems to get taken out of context or comes out incorrectly. Let’s leave it there please
  5. I didn’t even know it was a flag that was on the Cenotaph. That’s really sad to see. Really discredits all the good things that are being done by people for this cause. People on here are shocked that some are making a big deal of a piece of cloth being burnt. I’m shocked how easily it’s being shrugged off as trivial. Anyway I’ve also said enough on the matter so will leave it there.
  6. Bickster i just found the flag burning both disrespectful and distasteful. It’s not going to help the cause. If anything it hinders it by offending millions unnecessarily. Whether people should be offended or not is a different story. But the protests were fine without that single act. Just my opinion. Clearly many on here don’t agree and It seems I’m on my own with this view. I get that. edit: if somebody has an opinion that’s different to yours why does it have to be ‘odd’? I really do not get why people can’t just have a debate on here without adding this kind of comment at the end. Then they wonder why others get wound up and say things that are inappropriate.
  7. The season will have no bearing on this game in my opinion. This will come down to fitness and who is more up for it. It’s going to be like the first few weeks of the season when you get all sorts of shock results.
  8. You lot take everything so literally to make your point and provoke an argument. That little prick that burnt that flag is a complete f**king tool. My opinion. Is that ok?
  9. edit: going for a walk as advised
  10. Call it what you want mate. Honestly though. I don’t mean the violence part. I apologise. Where I’m from you are lucky to get just a beating for even daring to disrespect a religious or national symbol. Sometimes I take for granted how luck we are in England and it winds me up when people take that for granted. Again I apologise. No offence meant.
  11. Good memory. I took back the violence retribution part. You’re never going to get it mate. Let’s park it there before I get some violent retribution from the missus for the time I've spent on my phone.
  12. That’s my point. They didn’t think about who they are offending. Mindless acts. We’re never going to understand each other. May as well agree to disagree.
  13. See my other post. The violence part was a step to far. I apologise. But you have no right to offend thousands if not millions of people to target a select few. What maybe trivial to you may not be for many others. Just because it’s legal and you can get away with it. Doesn’t make it right.
  14. For the record there’s no excuse for violence. I was only saying that to exaggerate the point: but I don’t think we should be mindful of who and how many people we could offend before we act. Otherwise we are not better than those we are against.
  15. I agree with that. It’s trivial. Who cares about a flag? But that’s not the point. Who are you to decide what’s important to someone?
  16. If you ate a hamburger in front of a vegan or Hindu to deliberately provoke and offend them yeah; you deserve a punch.
  17. If you don’t want a beating, Don’t deliberately disrespect and provoke people. If you insult my mother I’d punch you. Now let’s just say ‘Mohammed’ is even more important to somebody than their mother. If you don’t want a punch from them don’t disrespect them.
  18. Nobody deserves to be killed for their views. But they knew what they were provoking.
  19. It would be to you. No respect.
  20. Oh man, this ain’t just about flags and you know that. If I hate you Snowy and want revenge on you. I will enact the revenge on you only. Not your whole family. So as ridiculous as it sounds you may think burning a flag or a religious symbol is an attack on a government or institution. It’s not. It’s an attack on everyone that holds that item close to them.
  21. What maybe a piece of cloth to you may mean a lot to another person. So if you l burn that cloth knowing it will offend someone deeply then you deserve a beating from that snowflake.
  22. Ok so then you should be prepared for the consequences right? Legally nothing can be done to you because the country gives you the right to burn its flag. But people may not feel the same way. So if he gets the shit kicked out of him he deserves it in my opinion. edit: before you ‘symbolically’ burn something maybe you should consider if everyone you are offending is guilty?
  23. Doesn’t make it right or just though does it? This isn’t just about a flag. It’s about respect. Regardless of how you feel you’ve been treated. You shouldn’t resort to these things. It’s just my view.
  24. I don’t think I’m going to persuade anyone of anything on this forum mate. Minds are made up. I just love how well researched everyone is on this forum in terms of history. Also some great views even though I don’t agree with many. I don’t get that in my own circle.
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