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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. I’ve said many times but Jack aside and I don’t think we will lose any other player unless it’s for a decent money. Even then I’d expect that money to be reinvested on new players. If we failed to go up first season that’s when I expect a lot of the so called better players to leave.
  2. I thought it was Jota when I first saw it. I’ve just clocked on it’s Jack! I think he is trying to instigate a move to Real Madrid.
  3. I was thinking that. Hopefully he’s a extremely fit and defenders can’t handle him next Wednesday!
  4. Wonder how they got that footage and how much more of it there is.
  5. I think players that thrive on confidence will do well under closed the doors. It’s almost like a training game atmosphere so those that do well in training may do ok in games. I think players like Trez and Luiz will enjoy their football more without a crowd.
  6. It’s an interesting one. Was Ghandi any more racist to non Hindus than say Nelson Mandela was to non black people? I know it’s an extreme example but I’m surprised by this attack on his statue to be honest. I always thought the world loved Ghandi as he’s portrayed as a hero in the media. Will have to try and do some more reading on this one. For the record I don’t care about any statues. I’m just having a discussion. @snowychap you tend to know everything. Any thoughts?
  7. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.telegraphindia.com/amp/world/gandhi-statue-defiled-in-london/cid/1779732
  8. I don’t give a shit what you call.
  9. Just read that Mahatma Gandhi’s statue in London was vandalised. Now he was a racist but he also did a lot (allegedly) in the struggle against British rule and oppression. Did he deserve it?
  10. Sorry. I take that back. After all that’s what public forums are for right ? Knock yourself out.
  11. Fair point. Was hoping not to have to use Ignore though.
  12. I’m not worried neither do I have a concern. I’m just asking how many statues have to be pulled down before it’s done. What’s the criteria? im really not looking for an argument here.
  13. What part of don’t reply to my posts didnt you understand? How about you just respect my wishes instead of this shit?
  14. Just thinking if that’s the case where does it end with the removal of statues?
  15. Is it possible that a lot of of the prominent figures in US and Western Europe during 17-19th century might have had some sort of involvement in slavery?
  16. That’s a really good shout. Not really going to have the same impact in terms of making a statement though.
  17. Really hope nobody touches Sister Dora in Walsall Manor.
  18. I thought this was quite good. From 2017. Mods apologies if I've broken any rules posting this. I don't mean to offend anyone.
  19. You and me both. Took time out from the forum for the day.
  20. Allegedly the women was pregnant and he held a gun to her. Guess its all irrelevant really. This is much bigger than George Floyd. As I said he will hopefully become an icon for change.
  21. I agree its not something you should be saying as a broadcaster. Pretty stupid really.
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