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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. Genuinely interested to know what’s so ‘great’ about it compared to say the UK?
  2. I’ve since found out his name is ‘Fred the Flour Grader‘
  3. That’s the one! Him and Mr Benn! No wonder I was confused about why Uncle Ben was seen as racist.
  4. I just googled Uncle Ben and all this time I was thinking of someone else. A cartoon character that is the brand for curry’s. Where’s a black hat. I can’t for the life of me remember his name though. Can someone help me?
  5. Sorry didn’t meant to compare. I just wanted to tell my story
  6. Shocking! At least in my story the teacher told me to get out and the guy who just got beat up by me got in to further trouble.
  7. That’s the most shocking part. Maybe he’s just too stupid to understand how wrong he was! No where near as bad as what was sent to Zaha but I have a little story. I was around 15 and I was in an RE class. (The irony).There was a lad sat in front of me. He was a bit of a geek, kept himself to himself, never really bothered anyone. He turned around and looked at me with a big grin on his face and said ‘hello p**i’. Now bear in mind id known him for around 4 years and whilst not a mate I was in quite a few classes with him. It was completely out of character and out the blue. I was shocked! Anyway I started beating him up there and then and the teacher broke it up. He was in tears Point being he had no idea what he had done wrong. He honestly thought it was light hearted banter and was shocked by my reaction! I doubt he meant any malice at all. Some kids just haven’t got a clue.
  8. Put it on plate for Trez and Davis. One wont ever get a better chance for a premier league hatrick and the other won’t get a better chance for a premier league goal.
  9. Yeh he’s f**ked up but he’s just a kid. He’ll hopefully understand how bad his actions were and learn from it. It’s probably not going to be safe for him until things calm down though.
  10. If Southamptons performance v City anything to go by they want to finish the season on a high. Plus Ings wants golden boot.
  11. I said before I don’t think they are as bad as their position suggests. They’ve had horrendous injuries this season. Even worse than us. They will still believe they can stay up and rightly so.
  12. Could we end up in a situation where by the time we play West Ham they are safe but if we beat them and Watford fail to beat Arsenal we stay up! This is what will happen.
  13. A lot more effort shown today but tbh it did help that Palace wernt up for it at all. I also think Hause getting injured may have been a blessing in disguise. Elmo is much more of a threat on the right than Konsa. The disallowed goal was also a bit of luck. About time a decision went our way! Can we do the same against Everton. I doubt it. But you never know..
  14. He was a lot better today. Covered all the pitch. That dive was a bit embarrassing though. Very lucky to not get booked.
  15. He’s the not the best player around but I’ve always been shocked when people say he wouldn’t even cut it in the championship or he’s not even as good as Adomah etc. He ain’t that bad!!
  16. Hope we sell Mings to be honest. He let himself and the club down the other day. Showed his true colours.
  17. The most disappointing thing for me about Mings is I think he’s a very good defender. Yesterday he just had no desire. Firstly the error where Hause bailed him out. It wasn’t the mistake so much. He just didn’t seem to care that he made it. Then the United second goal. The Mings I know would not be losing that battle in the middle of the park. If he did the player would be taken down and the half time whistle blown. Ok he lost the battle, time to redeem yourself. Gets back and then makes a half hearted attempt to block a shot. They score, Reina goes mental. Mings reaction? Nothing. For me he was our captain without the armband earlier in the season. He organised, he fought for every ball, he actually gave a shit. I was shocked by his performance yesterday. All is not well.
  18. I wouldn’t be so sure. The Stoke team last season looked ridiculously good for that league and look how they ended up. West Brom too. It’s a tough league if not up for the fight.
  19. Look we all know we have poor players. The quality just isn’t there. So the only way to compensate is the effort and desire. I saw that yesterday until we conceded. Then I saw players, one in particular totally give up and not really care when we conceded. That was when I knew we were down and Smith has to go.
  20. What if he’s brilliant at all of the above but has very limited football knowledge and keeps making the incorrect decisions in that area? I’m not saying that he will do that. But I can’t help thinking of Faulkner who was and is one of the best young business people around yet was responsible for appointing Mcleish.
  21. Maybe he is. Im not sure why you think that though? Personally I think we should know the CEO’s name and thats it. The rest should be based on results.
  22. Depends on your what positions you like to take. If you like to trade on the short side then European markets can be interesting. FTSE, CAC, IBEX and MIB all look in bear markets. Dax is the exception of course. Even US isnt that strong at the moment Nasdeq aside. id be very cautious if you're long.
  23. True. I just always look back to how he recruited Hogson for Liverpool though. Whilst his a good manager it just seem like crazy judgement for who the right person could be a for a particular team. You don’t have to be a football genius to just know that appointment was going to fail. You’re right though. We’re getting a bit carried away saying sack him.
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