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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. Yes, I read your post. Its a common experience that war criminals walk free. Sometimes its the price you pay for peace. Sometimes, unusually, they have so few friends or so little remaining influence that they end up in the dock. I didn't mention Israeli and US politicians being held accountable. I can't see that happening in the near or medium term. My comments are about the role that citizens of other countries can play. I see no hope at all of either Israel or the US adopting a morally defensible position, unless forced to do so by the weight of international opinion, backed by economically impressive sanctions. I think the thing to go for is to exert enough pressure on individual politicians in countries which could influence matters that they stop following the Israeli line. Fair enough. I guess to some it may seem like nothing has been resolved in the long term but we should remember that every life counts. So what may seem like a meaningless protest by some could have saved an individuals life.
  2. Sack Martinez as well the useless tool Everton lost 3 - 2 the other week to Tranmere No doubt their fans were calling for his head I reckon if we had our last 4 seasons like Everton we would probably be having a good laugh about our friendly result today.
  3. Exactly. All this is creating is more hatred in the world. But the big difference is technology means the world knows about it. This doesn't mean politicians will act but the Muslim population will, especially the youngsters. And can you really blame them when their brothers and sisters and being slaughtered this way? Yes, this is how you feel about a person when religion is involved. It's something the west can't seem to grasp.
  4. Agreed 30 mil plus they have spent with turnover similar to ours. With a much better team. Moyes should take credit and the chairman for sticking with him.
  5. It's a slow process. Too slow for the many thousands more who will be butchered before this comes to an end, but it will run its course and take its time. First comes exposing the horrors of the Israeli occupation to all the people who don't know about it, or don't understand the true level of barbarism it involves. Next is encouraging those people to take some sort of action, sending emails, lobbying MPs, giving money, organising actions, getting their union/university/pension company to disassociate itself from Israel. After that comes planned and targeted removal of politicians who are unresponsive, or already captured by the Israeli war machine and its handouts. Don't expect quick results. But do expect results. I totally disagree. What results are you expecting here? Did you read my previous post about Sikhs in India? These war criminals are walking free. One of the main ones even manages the Indian Hockey team at one stage. This is India I'm taking about. What chance is there of Israel or American politicians being held reponsible. Impossible mate.
  6. He's a class act, but it is mental. In Lukaku, De Bruyne and Luiz, Chelsea have basically doubled their money on three players they didn't even want. How the other half live eh? This post shows how much we have missed the boat with FFP. I could expand but you all know what I mean. Btw you missed out Mata.
  7. Yes the world stands disgraced but what can they do about it? Sweet FA!
  8. What's happening is f**king disgusting. Pisses me off so much. Sikhs suffered a similar persecution throughout the 80s and 90s in India with thousands killed to defend India from 'terrosim'. Sikhs will never forget what happened and to this day the people responsible for the killings walk free. The same continues in the Middle East and their is nothing that can be done. So called 'Muslim terrorists' are not a threat to our freedom as the politicians and media have us all believe . It's the type of unjust action that creates this hatred which is the biggest threat to us. But we all know that yet nothing can be done.
  9. I personally think Everton have spent way too much for Lukaku but they probably figured it's unlikely they could attract another proven goalscorer in this league. Especially one that young. Martinez see's the player weak in weak out so I guess really rates him. Jose clearly doesn't.
  10. Those updates are full of that too I reckon.
  11. Of course the 7-1. Totally forgot about that. I guess Vlaar has never been part of a team that has conceded more than 4 has he? Without him over the last 2 years it was quite embarrassing.
  12. Ron has been with us two years and I've seen nothing in that time, in a Villa shirt, to suggest he is a better payer than Dunne but the game is all about opinions. Dunne was a big reason in 09/10 we had the 4th best defense in the league and conceded just 39 goals which was even more remarkable when you consider we conceded 7 in one freak result/game. The thing that lets Dunne down is that he was/is prone to the odd clanger but when he was good, and in 09/10 that was certainly more often than not then he was a very solid centre back. He also, alongside Given, was a very big reason we stayed up in 11/12 when at the back end of the season he had some excellent games. Don't get me wrong I think Ron is a decent centre back and certainly based on his recent performances for Holland I'd rather we kept him than sold him. If he wants out and we get an offer of over 5 mill I'd imagine he'd be off. I'd also be relatively confident that with that kind of money Lambert could find an adequate replacement. Bloody hell my memory is terrible. Which game did we concede 7 in? I can only remember the 5 against Liverpool under MON.
  13. I think when Vlaar looks back at his career he will regret his move to Villa. This could be a defining summer for the remainder of his career. Will he get the big move he must crave and probably feel he deserves. No player must enjoy playing in one of the worst defences in the league. His agent will be trying to secure him a big move. The question is, is he good enough to find him one?
  14. Maybe he will sign a contract with a clause in if a champions league club came in for him.
  15. Can you tell us who is replacement will be as well? To be fair he only asked the question. Somebody above has told us he is staying as though it's fact. Are you not going to comment on that?
  16. many of whom had their heads put on spikes and on display as a warning meanwhile everyone just wonders who will get evicted from the Big Brother house What can anyone do?
  17. Let's see who LVG gets in before getting too confident.
  18. Loyalty for what? Signing him while running the club on a shoe string budget and then putting the club up for sale? I wonder how much of that was mentioned when he discussed signing for the mighty Villa? Yes he gets paid more but is money everything? At Feyenoord he played to win things and was also an International at that time to. We've done nothing to enhance his career and he owes the club nothing.
  19. Walsall Manor Hospital. No better place to be born. But which area did you live in? Was it Pleck? Park Hall. Nice area, not to far from where I am now. But I've gone totally off topic so I better add something that pisses me off that shouldn't......people that bring up Villa if you are having a general conversation and a negative opinion of their team gets mentioned.
  20. Walsall Manor Hospital. No better place to be born. But which area did you live in? Was it Pleck?
  21. What did your Dad do? Mine was a mechanic and a bus and lorry driver. My Mammy came over when she was 16 in 1979 and basically cleaned most of Birmingham by the sounds of it. They met in 83, married in 85, conceived Birmingham's greatest son (In Walsall) in 86, my sister was born in 92 (Took my Mammy a long time to get over pushing me out I think plus my Dada worked away a lot so they didn't see much of each other), divorced in 99 and now my Mammy's gone back to Ireland with my Step-Dad (A Pakistani Gentleman, Mammy Melting Pot ) and brother whilst my Dada flits around thinking he's a jet-setting lothario making the odd appearance beside me down at B6 Yeah he did, I wonder if they knew each other? My Grandpa's name was 'Sugar' I don't know what to make of it haha. I could never understand most of what he said. He built his own house out of bits and bobs and I don't think he ever went in to a shop in his life. He used to go fishing etc and would never put more clothing on than a tight pair of shorts. He used to set fire to a lot of stuff as well He used to drive the most dangerous bike in the most dangerous way too. I was on the back once and we fell down this big pit/well type thing Funnily enough my dad was also a mechanic and then a bus driver and has been for as long as I remember. He has always lived in Walsall too. Where about in Walsall were you born?
  22. 'Better fan' lists the years he has followed the club to prove something cliché. All he is saying is that he's been through worse times? Certainly a better post than: "What a load of populist, head-in-the-sand babble. You got the yellow star that was your intention though so well done...I guess." Which is **** garbage. r.e: Vlaar, we're obviously fine discussing the merits of a potential move for him but literally nothing has come out to suggest he's on his way. The manager doesn't want to sell and Vlaar hasn't said anything. There's obviously nothing wrong with saying "I'm worried, he's only got a year left and I think we might sell him" or whatever, but there's such a pessimistic cloud over every single tiny detail at the moment. I'm amazed some people feel fit to shoot any sort of optimism down with a personal insult. Bad times. Spot on, there's quite a poisonous atmosphere brewing on VT and therefore, I assume throughout villa fans generally which is going to do nothing for our current and future state. Recently I've often wished I had something better to do than come on here and read the same 'woe is us' tripe all because we're not yet owned by some Arab prince and spending exorbitant amounts of money. Things are what they are, eventually they'll change, it's the nature of things I don't think it's anything to do with not spending exorbitant amounts of money. The problem is we aren't spend any amount of money! I am starting to change my tune about Vlaar though and starting to think maybe he is not as good as I though and won't be approached by a big club after all. Still early days though.
  23. My dad came about 62 when he was 12. From what I hear sounds like they worked like crazy and things were pretty tough. But everybody was very close to each other.
  24. They all support Liverpool and Man United I'm afraid. But on a similar note India is definitely an untapped market for football. The new League they are forming which is featuring quite a few ex high profile professionals is a good start.
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