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Posts posted by thecraft

  1. ***************************************************************

    A scouser is walking through the town a girl whispers to him 'Blowjob, Five pounds'.

    He looked at her oddly and just walked on.

    Soon another girl says the same thing which he again ignores.

    When he got home he said 'Mum, what's a blowjob'?

    She replies 'Five pounds, same as in town'.


    Hahaha :D

    To be fair I was expecting the punchline to be something about the scouser stressing at the word job.

  2. guess who's been browsing sickipedia ...

    "I'm a 14 year-old girl looking for a 45-55

    year-old man for online webcam fun. Email me:



    A scouser is walking through the town a girl whispers to him 'Blowjob, Five pounds'.

    He looked at her oddly and just walked on.

    Soon another girl says the same thing which he again ignores.

    When he got home he said 'Mum, what's a blowjob'?

    She replies 'Five pounds, same as in town'.


    I've recently started dating, she's not from the UK. I find it adorable the way she stumbles around even the most basic English words, mispronounces words in a way which sounds ridiculous, and when she does get things right her accent makes it incredibly cute.

    I'd recommend dating an American to anyone!


    What do you get if you cross a motorway with a wheelbarrow?

    Run over.


    A man goes into a library and asks for a book on suicide.

    The librarian says; "**** off, you won't bring it back."

  3. Not sure that England isn't a country, it definitely isn't a state though. Found this interesting definition too:

    Empires are ruled by Emperors. Kingdoms are ruled by Kings (that should include United Kingdom). So, is England a Country? Well, Countries are ruled by ....... (Fill in the gap yourself).

  4. Went for AC/DC - for Maiden I liked Piece of Mind when it came out, and some of Number of the Beast, but that's about it. Live and on the later stuff Bruce's waily vocals tend to do my head in. I like most of the Bon Scott stuff, plus Back in Black and For those About to Rock, so I have a winner! There's something more wholesome about a band that are often mistaken for their roadcrew over a band that look like they are dressed out of a barbie catalogue too.

  5. I hope for there sakes not, that'd put em on a par with Queen

    I always thought I was the only person that couldn't stand Queen. I don't know many people that love them either to be fair, but most people seem to like the odd track, have bought a best of etc, and have a bit of a soft spot for them.

    For anyone having doubts - look what they inspired to come after them!

    (Same argument I use for The Beatles - not only do I not like them, if they had never existed then a whole pile of other bands I don't like wouldn't have either :twisted: )

  6. I do like BOC but it would have to be Rush even though the last good album they released was Grace Under Pressure in 1983. Their new stuff doesn't do it for me at all, but the period from Caress of Steel to Hemispheres particularly, was a huge influence on me when I was younger. Dunno if its significant with mjmooneys comments but I never got (couldn't stand) Yes and only had a passing interest in Zeppelin, so they do seem to not totally crossover. Or maybe I'm just poor :P

    As for BOC I don't think Agents of Fortune is that good, and though DFTR is a good track, its not typical. Secret Treaties would be the one to listen to for me, although I do quite like the debut too.

  7. General, as you may know, David Gold was in tears today, could you please call him and tell him how to run a football club. Perhaps if he wasn't so flippant about your credentials he would be more respected by his own fans.
    Come to think of it General, perhaps you should demote him to David Bronze....

    :lol: lmao. Perhaps David Tinpot too.

    Cheers General, I still don't quite believe this thread exists, the board is amazing, the club is amazing. Just got to sort my ST renewal now. Have the packs gone out?

  8. I was very positive but life is making me more cynical as I get older. However when I am positive my luck seems to go my way, anyone else notice that or is it just me?

    I voted positive, although like most people it can vary from day to day. I think it does make a difference, not necessarily to your luck, but if you go through the day genuinelly positive, people are more likely to respond positively back and you have a little more chance of things going your way. There's a fair amount of communication that goes on that is totally non verbal and I think we tend to forget this. Also people often say that if they expect the worst then it can't bother them if it happens, but possibly if you expect the worst, then you're more focussed on the worst, more likely to see the worst and maybe then a little more likely to attract the worst.

  9. Randy said he would not do that to the browns (or the Villa for that matter). I think he said something about it not being fair on the home fans who would normally go down to the game to have the game moved to another continent.

    Yeah he def said that about a regular season fixture. A preseason game would be interesting though!

  10. General Krulak here:

    2. Cash Point...a good point!! Let me work on it.

    3. This won't be the last time I am in the media over something posted on the sites. I can either a) stop posting or B) be very guarded in my answers. I do not believe either will be good for Villa or the Fans.

    2 - cheers :thumb:

    3 - Even more so, when you are blatantly right :notworthy:

  11. I don't know if I just missed them, but after fortunately getting a lift up to VP on Sunday, I hadn't managed to get to a cashpoint before I got to the ground. I was sure there had been one by the shop, but if there was I couldn't find it and the people on the door said there were none. Normally I get the train up from New St and get cash there. Is there a technical/legal reason why there are no cashpoints anywhere and if not, is it possible to get some? Luckily I had enough to get a drink and a programme for my kid, but it seemed a bit odd to not have anyway to get a bit of extra cash out.

  12. General Krulak here:

    1. First off, EVERYONE at Villa Park understands that to have an effective Brand, World Wide, requires a winning Squad on the Pitch. It is amazing to me that we have even one fan who thinks we don't understand this foundation fact. BELIEVE ME, we do!!! We need to win, consistently, to have a Brand that "takes" world wide. YES!! At the same time, it is NOT that easy. You have to have distribution outlets, you need marketing, you need demographic analysis, you need revenue sources to allow you to achieve what is needed on the Pitch, etc. etc. We are not Chelsea! We are not going to go out and spend $100's of millions of pounds in one year to buy a Squad that may or may not last...and that certainly drives the Club deeply into debt. We took over a Club that had a dying infrastructure and a long way to go on the Pitch. We have a new Manager who is superb, we have brought in some quality players, we have strengthen the infrastructure, and we are continuing to improve all aspects of our operation...yes, we will even get some players before the end of the window!! Some fans want it all YESTERDAY...well, that has NEVER been the committment. Randy has always talked about a 5 year plan...and SO HAVE I. We want to build a lasting dynasty...a Club that your children can watch win 20 years from now. We want consistency and to achieve that, you need to "build." Give MON a chance for goodness sakes!!! Give Randy a chance!!

    I think it's easy to forget the state that the club had got into prior to the new regime taking over. I still firmly believe we couldn't have a better board and manager - every time I read the Generals comments this fact is rammed home. So Gen Krulak, Randy, Martin & co - CHEERS!!!

    Oh & Mysterman - the banners are brilliant! Esp if we can fasten them down well!

  13. what does everyone think about Micah Richards..!!!!he's brilliant...shouldn't we be in for him?that's real ambition

    it is also unrealistic

    I'm sure I heard they turned down £15 million from Chelsea for him, could have been red top rubbish though, if so they are holding out for the kind of ridiculous fee they got for SWP, which would be insane for us to pay.

    Incidentally doesn't he come from Birmingham, any idea who he supports?

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