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Posts posted by thecraft

  1. where is that bluenose tard that was on spouting the other week??,remember the one that was saying the blues where signing players, and Villa hadn't brought in anybody..well i told the silly little man, that we where looking at a better class of player than the dwellers...i rest my case Downing is here,how do you like them apples??.

    I think he got banned

  2. I can see Sheff Utd losing and Reading and Birmingham drawing.

    Even then there's the play offs, which is as much as a lottery as anything.. the best team rarely win it.

    Anything can happen of course, but I think Sheff Utd will win that game, and I fancy Reading to win too. I don't think Blues would come up in the playoffs, if they miss out on automatic promotion after being in pole position for so long they will be on a huge low. I fancy Burnley in the playoffs. Off course I may be accused of a certain bias by some people :winkold: especially as I would then predict a crash & burn season where they get relegated into League 1 the following season!!

  3. Thats what the lads were saying to me last night!

    In all honesty, i just feel like shite, so i know drinking aint gonna help.

    Also, when i was 17 i drank 10 pints of stella on antibiotics and put my head thru a window trying to impress a bird! :oops:

    :lol: yes, that much drink isn't going to help.

    i thought one or two was ok, but i have no idea really.

    Depends which antibiotics apparently..


  4. I quite like some Tull, I don't listen to it regularly - but Aqualung and Heavy Horses get a play every so often. MB I don't know loads about, I had a mate who was quite into them heard bits, sounded ok but not enough to grab me.

    Yes I don't like, I just really can't stick Jon Andersons voice. It was odd, I bought Close to the Edge years ago, and quite liked it, lent it out and got it back and absolutely hated it! Since then they just annoy me. So it was a toss up of them and Queen who I have a long standing loathing for.

    It is all relative of course, as Rob says there are many things way worse than any of these bands!!!

    As for Lars Ulrich and Metallica, if you could erase a band from history, they would be one I'd consider!! Even though the first couple of albums are ok, that is outweighed by

    the fact they are such a bunch of total and utter words removed. Which is why that EF hoax worked a few years back ;)

  5. I voted 'no'. Because I know that there is a good chance that me having more money would deprive other people of it, and they might need it more.

    To give you context, I don't earn a huge amount of money, am in a reasonable amount of debt, but have just about enough to get by on.

    Not even to buy another hollowed out volcano?

    Haha, made me laugh!! :lol:

  6. I hope they make the playoff final and lose to a last minute goal.

    that one please :D

    After having an absolute 100% clear penalty turned down and immediately the other team play a long blatantly offside ball out that the linesman gives as onside, then the ball appears to be cleared off the line but the ref gives the goal anyway. :twisted:

  7. Despite what it says over there <<<<<<< I'm a Brummie through and through, my home my be where I lay my hat but my heart will ever be in Birmingham.

    Doesn't that get a bit awkward? Not to mention inconvenient..

  8. None of those options. Born in Northampton (don't remember it though). Lived in Birmingham for quite a few years, live in Hereford now and have lived all over the place (within uk) in the intervening years.

  9. There's a new Robert Rankin out which is next on my list to buy! Not everybodies taste but I love his stuff. The more you read the easier it gets ;)

    Once again, Mankind faces doom in another indescribable Elvis-filled gumshoe fantasy grab-bag, Rankin's 30th outing (The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code, 2008, etc.).Back in 1960s London, wannabe rock star and gumshoe Tyler, beguiled by Captain Lynch's stories of fabled Begrem, city of gold, forms a ukulele band, the Sumerian Kynges, only to get upstaged at his high-school concert by the Rolling Stones (who actually steal their ukuleles). But Tyler and his band have been promised fame and fortune by the mysterious Mr Ishmael (after having signed a contract in blood). Soon they're equipped with guitars, amps, drums, etc., only to have the equipment stolen. So Tyler, assisted by his mad brother Andy (he thinks he's a dog), sniffs out the equipment - in a graveyard populated by undead. The secret Ministry of Serendipity, who know about the zombies, capture Tyler and turn him into an amnesiac assassin. It turns out that the world is threatened by an evil magician and zombie master known as the Homunculus, whose ambition is to create a dead world, the Necrosphere. Arriving in New York with a traveling circus, Tyler will meet Lazlo Woodbine, the famous (fictional) detective, Elvis (of course Elvis) and Elvis's evil twin Keith (he's also the Pope). Eventually he'll perfect the Tyler Technique of detecting, which involves (mostly) doing nothing at all. Confused yet?The publisher describes Rankin as a "beloved British Eccentric." Wrong. He's a total wack job. But if you can understand him, you'll find, oddly enough, that the more you think about it, the funnier it gets. (Kirkus Reviews)


  10. I just read a ben elton book the other day - blind faith. now whilst I was sympathetic broadly speaking to the point - being as subtle as a brick slamming you on the head with a large flashing neon sign saying " I HATE EVERYONE" attached to it, it was readable but a far cry away from his earlier stuff.

    So, having dispensed with that, I'm flicking through Brysons " A Mother Tongue" atm - interesting but broken up by some serious tedium, and next on the radar - one of the books I bought today - Anna koreninananana ( sp? ;) ) or some book on chekov's short stories.

    I admite freely I've never read anything by Tolstoy nor ever heard of Chekovs work barring his name. But it was buy one get one free and I thought I might as well shoot for the stars. My excuse is im at least attempting to get there eventually - even if I should probably read some easier stuff first.

    I find tolstoy quite dull to be honest, for russian/soviet authors I prefer Dostoevsky - though really Crime and Punishment is far better than the others I read, and more frequently Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita is an excellent if totally surreal novel and Heart of a Dog is worth a read. This is an old thread though and I probably already mentioned these ;)

  11. If there was ever any chance of liking the Smiths it went when my sister spent about four years looping their albums, whatever years it was they were out.

    Drove me up the wall!!

    I remember them as being huge in the 80's though.

    I liked The Cure too, but only the really old stuff.

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